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So far, 28 recognized Corona-vaccine side effects in Saxony

Millions got vaccinated against Corona and experienced mild side effects. Some suffered permanent damage. In Saxony, however, few cases have been recognized so far.

As of July 22nd, 709 compensation procedures related to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations have been...
As of July 22nd, 709 compensation procedures related to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations have been registered.

Health - So far, 28 recognized Corona-vaccine side effects in Saxony

In Saxony, a total of 28 cases of side effects following Corona vaccinations have been recognized so far. As of July 22nd, 709 compensation procedures had been registered, according to the Communal Social Welfare Association Saxony (KSV), of which 624 had been decided. An additional 11 procedures had been resolved in other ways - for example, because the vaccination did not take place in Saxony.

A statistical survey of the height of the resulting already paid compensation is not possible. According to the information provided, in 596 cases, the claim for compensation was rejected due to a lack of causal connection between the reported health damages and the Covid-19 vaccination. Correspondingly, 74 procedures are still being processed.

Millions of vaccinations in the Free State

According to the Free State's statements, more than 7.6 million Corona vaccinations have been administered in Saxony since the end of 2020. In case of recognition of a health damage following vaccination, there is financial support. For a duration of up to six months, one assumes a transient damage, thereafter a permanent one. People can file an application for the recognition of a vaccination damage and compensation who still complain of health damages six months after vaccination.

Among the health damages recognized as vaccination damage are, for example, Myocarditis (myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle), Thromboses or Transverse Myelitis, a rare neuroimmunological disease, in which there is an inflammation of the spinal cord.

  1. The administration in Saxony has acknowledged 28 instances of side effects linked to Corona vaccinations, prompting 709 compensation claims as of July 22nd, according to the KSV.
  2. Despite millions of Corona vaccinations being administered in Saxony since the end of 2020, only a small fraction of the claims for compensation have been successful due to a lack of causal connection between the reported health damages and the vaccination.
  3. The administration in Leipzig, being part of Saxony, follows the same protocol for dealing with rightful claims of vaccination damage. Individuals who experience health issues even six months after vaccination against Covid-19 have the right to file an application for recognition of vaccination damage and financial compensation.
  4. It's crucial to note that while uncommon, cases of severe health conditions like Myocarditis, Thromboses, and Transverse Myelitis have been recognized as vaccination damage in Saxony, following the administration of Coronavirus vaccines.

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