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Should medical chambers abolish homeopathy further training?

Doctors and doctors in the Southwest have been debating for two years whether there should be further training in the field of homeopathy. The decision is now due.

Should doctors continue to undergo further training in homeopathy officially? This will be decided...
Should doctors continue to undergo further training in homeopathy officially? This will be decided by the State Medical Chamber on Saturday.

Decision expected - Should medical chambers abolish homeopathy further training?

After nearly two years of debate, the Medical Chamber in Baden-Württemberg is set to decide whether to abolish further training for Homeopathy. Today, the Representative Assembly of the Chamber is to make the decision. If the representatives argue for abolition, the Social Ministry would have to check if all formal requirements have been met. A proportionality check by the Chamber indicated that such a move would be proportionate and appropriate.

In July 2022, the Representative Assembly had already voted in favor of deleting the additional qualification "Homeopathy" from the Further Education Ordinance in Baden-Württemberg. This would mean that physicians in Baden-Württemberg could no longer newly acquire this qualification. Physicians who had already completed the further training would not be affected. Homoeopathic anamnesis, diagnosis, and therapy would still be allowed, according to the Medical Chamber.

A group of 100 physicians is calling for the retention of further training in an open letter before the decision. "Homeopathy should remain in the medical profession," the physicians write. Only then can it be ensured that competent decisions can be made as to whether a conventional treatment is necessary or whether Homoeopathy can be an additional option. According to the Statistical State Office, there are more than 50,000 professionally active female and male physicians in Baden-Württemberg.

Further training in Homeopathy exists only in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Rhineland-Palatinate. 14 of the 17 Medical Chambers have already abolished it. The Federal Medical Chamber had spoken out in favor of abolition in 2022 as well.

  1. If the Medical Chamber in Baden-Württemberg decides to abolish further training for Homeopathy, doctors in the Southwest region will need to reevaluate their approach to alternative medicines like Homeopathy in their practice.
  2. Despite the ongoing debate and potential abolition of further training for Homeopathy, the Medical Chamber in Baden-Württemberg still recognizes the importance of Homoeopathic anamnesis, diagnosis, and therapy in patient treatment.
  3. In a recent open letter, a group of 100 doctors from Baden-Württemberg argued against the abolition of further training for Homeopathy, emphasizing the need to maintain this option to provide comprehensive care and allow for informed treatment decisions.
  4. As the decision about the future of Homeopathy training in Baden-Württemberg looms, Stuttgart-based medical professionals and patients alike are closely following the developments at the Medical Chamber with anticipation.

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