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Sewage shows 'moderate' Corona wave in Bavaria

In Bavaria, there are currently significantly more Corona infections. This is indicated by sewage monitoring. Expert Oliver Keppler speaks of a moderate wave in the Free State.

In Bavaria, there are currently more Corona infections. Masks to protect against Corona:
In Bavaria, there are currently more Corona infections. Masks to protect against Corona:

Diseases - Sewage shows 'moderate' Corona wave in Bavaria

In Bavaria, there are more Corona infections again. "We currently have a moderately regional pronounced Corona wave in Bavaria. This can be seen in sewage monitoring and the case numbers are significantly increased," says Oliver Keppler. The virologist and head of the Max von Pettenkofer-Institute is spokesperson for the Bay-VOC monitoring network, to which, among other things, sewage monitoring belongs.

There are around 30 monitoring stations in the free state, at most of which an increase in virus load has been observed for some time. The current levels are still far from the peak values of the past major waves, but they are usually significantly higher than in March, April, or May. However, there are regional differences: While the values, for example, in Munich have recently remained stable or even decreased slightly in Augsburg and Erlangen, there is an increase in Nuremberg, Regensburg, Straubing, Aschaffenburg, Ulm, Schweinfurt, and numerous other cities.

Few severely ill people

The current wave is not hitting many seriously ill people, says Keppler. However, even healthy people "could be really sick for a few days," he says. This also fits with the fact that so far only small increases have been observed in the intensive care register. The number of Coronapatients in intensive care is still only 20 and the situation is still calm and relaxed as it has not been for a long time.

"The current wave could also be contributing to the new Corona variant Omikron KP.2, which has been detected in sewage for some time and is a little more contagious," explains Keppler. "Fortunately, it is not more sickening." In previous years, there have also been summer waves, says the expert. "I don't expect a strong further increase at the moment, also because high temperatures are generally unfavorable for the virus." It is difficult to predict how it will continue. The experience teaches, however, that there could be an increase towards the end of the summer holidays, when people return from vacation.

Personal consequences

"You can see the development well in sewage monitoring," says Keppler. Unlike the incidence numbers, it is not dependent on sick people being tested. The numbers are also publicly available for each monitoring station on the internet. Therefore, each individual can draw their own conclusions. "I am more cautious in the U-Bahn at the moment and maybe put on a mask a little earlier if it smells and hustles around me," says Keppler. "Everyone has to decide that for themselves – those who wear a mask should not be ridiculed. It can be self-protection and protection of others."

Since some time, sewage monitoring also includes the flu viruses - including the bird flu H5N1, as Keppler says. "H5N1 has caused headlines recently due to outbreaks among dairy cows and farm workers in the USA. We need to keep various monitoring systems on the radar – in case of a new pandemic, we don't want to be caught off guard."

  1. The increased Coronavirus cases in Bavaria are evident in cities like Nuremberg, Regensburg, Straubing, Aschaffenburg, Ulm, and several others, as mentioned by Oliver Keppler.
  2. Sewage monitoring stations in Swabia Fort and other parts of Bavaria have shown an increase in virus load, indicating a moderate regional Corona wave.
  3. Despite the increase, the situation in Munich remains relatively stable, with a slight decrease in Coronavirus cases recently.
  4. In contrast, cities like Augsburg and Erlangen have seen decreased Coronavirus cases, while Aschaffenburg, Ulm, and Nuremberg among others, have reported an upward trend.
  5. Keppler highlights that the current Coronavirus wave is not causing severe illness in many people, although it can still make healthy individuals sick for a few days.
  6. The existence of the new Corona variant Omikron KP.2 in Bavaria's sewage, which is a bit more contagious, is linked to the current wave by Keppler.
  7. Sewage monitoring in Bavaria now includes flu viruses, including the bird flu H5N1, to prevent being caught off guard in case of a new pandemic.

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