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Series of handbag snatchings apparently solved

The police in Nuremberg have arrested a suspected pickpocket who is alleged to have struck at least 35 times.

Pocket-picking: A man allegedly hit at least 35 times in Nuremberg.
Pocket-picking: A man allegedly hit at least 35 times in Nuremberg.

Criminality - Series of handbag snatchings apparently solved

The Nuremberg Police have caught up with a suspected serial pocket picker. The man is believed to have been involved in at least 35 cases, most of which targeted older victims over 60 years old, according to investigators. He has been in custody since the end of June. Not only did the 30-year-old allegedly steal cash from wallets, but he is also suspected of withdrawing additional money using stolen cards. The total damage is estimated to be over 50,000 Euros.

The thefts using stolen cards proved to be the downfall of the suspect. He was identified through surveillance footage, it was reported. A facial recognition search by the Bavarian Criminal Police Office led investigators to the known 30-year-old. Based on further surveillance videos, they have now accused him of 35 cases. More could still follow, as unresolved pocket picking incidents and withdrawals are currently being linked to the man. However, evidence of the crime scene has not been secured yet.

Despite the suspect having a backpack with him during his arrest, it did not contain any of the stolen items or cards. The 30-year-old was spotted in Bavaria's largest city, Munich, a few days prior to his arrest in Nuremberg. Interestingly, he was observed slipping away from a group of tourists near Marienplatz, a popular tourist destination in Munich.

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