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Serial tire slasher turns out to be a dog

Animal perpetrator with a toothache

The flat tires have become a real problem, according to the town's deputy
The flat tires have become a real problem, according to the town's deputy

Serial tire slasher turns out to be a dog

A series of mysterious incidents occur in an Italian village. Car tires are repeatedly slashed. The residents even suspect the mafia is behind it. Now the investigators are on the trail of a pain-ridden four-legged friend.

For weeks, an unknown serial offender has kept a southern Italian mountain village on its toes. Since July, the 600 or so inhabitants of Vastogirardi have been complaining about slashed car tires, reports the Guardian. Some vehicles had been affected several times, leading the villagers to suspect vindictive neighbors or even the mafia were behind it.

"It was very puzzling because we couldn't figure out who slashed the tires and what the motive might be," Remo Scocchera, the deputy mayor of Vastogirardi, told the newspaper. "It's a peaceful village - we knew it couldn't be anyone from outside because we're always on the lookout for suspicious movements."

Scocchera said the incidents have been very frustrating and costly for car owners. "It really became a problem - people couldn't drive to work because of the punctured tires, which cost a lot of money."

Police investigate undercover

The crimes always occurred around the historic center of Vastogirardi. According to the report, the police changed their investigative tactics after four further incidents. At the end of October, plainclothes officers went on patrol, initially without success. Last week, the investigators then installed surveillance cameras - and were finally able to convict the culprit.

A dog named Billy, who lives near the parked cars, was filmed biting the tires of several cars. "Thankfully the problem is now solved and it's good that the culprit was not a villager," said Scocchera.

According to the Guardian, vets attributed the dog's behavior to severe gingivitis. The dog had tried to relieve its pain by nibbling on the car tires. The police investigation is not yet complete. If Billy is officially identified as the perpetrator, his master will probably have to pay compensation to the car owners affected.

Read also:

  1. The international news outlet, The Guardian, reported on the strange occurrences in Vastogirardi, Italy, where police were investigating repeated car tire slashings.
  2. DespiteInitial suspicion of the mafia, the local police in Italy switched their tactics and discovered that a neighboring dog named Billy was the culprit, caused by his severe gingivitis.
  3. This incident has sparked discussions about animal welfare in the international arena, with many advocating for proper veterinary care for pets to prevent such incidents.


