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Search: Police officers under "Reichsburage"-Suspicion

In the Rostock district, searches have been conducted on two men. A former and an active police officer are suspected to be Reichsbürger. The evidence is now being evaluated.

Two men are under suspicion of being 'Reichsbürger' (Symbol).
Two men are under suspicion of being 'Reichsbürger' (Symbol).

Criminality - Search: Police officers under "Reichsburage"-Suspicion

A police officer and a retired police officer from the Landkreis Rostock are suspected of being part of the so-called Reichsbürger scene. The officer was temporarily relieved of duty, the police announced.

Their properties and objects were searched by order of the Administrative Court Greifswald to secure data carriers and other evidence. The evaluation of this is ongoing, a disciplinary procedure has been initiated.

"Reichsbürger" and "Self-Governors" deny the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and its legal system. They deny legitimacy to politicians and civil servants and repeatedly violate laws.

In connection with the case, authorities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have been actively searching for instances of criminality within the Reichsburger scene. This search has extended to the Rostock District, where multiple investigations are currently underway.

Given the rise of extremism in Germany, particularly in cities like Rostock, the police have been focusing their efforts on identifying and addressing any threats posed by the Reichsburger scene.

The ongoing search and evaluation of evidence from the properties and objects of the suspected officers will likely provide more insights into the extent of their involvement with the controversial Reichsburger scene.

As the investigation progresses, it is crucial for the police to maintain a vigilant stance against the Reichsburger scene, as their actions frequently violate laws and pose a threat to the country's democratic institutions.

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