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Search for missing girl: Emergency services discover child's body in river in Bingen

The divers were only in the water of the River Lauchert in Bingen for a few hours on Tuesday morning. Then a sad discovery: a child's body was recovered.

Bingen-Hitzkofen: DLRG emergency services search the waters of the Lauchert using
Bingen-Hitzkofen: DLRG emergency services search the waters of the Lauchert using

Sad find - Search for missing girl: Emergency services discover child's body in river in Bingen

During the search for a missing toddler in Bingen, Baden-Württemberg, emergency services found the body of a child on Tuesday, according to eyewitnesses. The body was discovered by a diver just before the entrance to Hitzkofen, a suburb of Bingen. Helpers have been searching for a missing two-year-old in the area since Sunday.

The search for the girl in Bingen in the district of Sigmaringen was continued on Tuesday with ten divers. The experts from the water police searched for the child in the ice-cold River Lauchert. According to a police spokeswoman, the divers came from the police headquarters. The DLRG was also involved in the search with a boat and sonar equipment.

The sonar search and the dives started early in the morning from the Hitzkofen district of Bingen downstream. DLRG and police officers also walked along the riverbank and searched in the undergrowth along the riverbank.

The search for a two-year-old has been underway in Bingen since Sunday

Rescue workers and police in the town near the Swabian Alb have been searching for the child since he disappeared. On Monday, police sniffer dogs picked up a trail of the girl that led to the river. The family home is located in the immediate vicinity of the river.

Divers had already searched for the little girl along the Lauchert on Sunday - without success. Divers were also in the water at a weir. The weir is located between Bingen and Sigmaringendorf, where the Lauchert flows into the Danube.

The two-year-old had probably left her parents' house in her pyjamas in an unobserved moment late on Sunday afternoon. So far, officials believe it was an accident.

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Following the discovery of the child's body on Tuesday, authorities announced a break in the case. The operational police force increased their presence on Sunday's usual patrols around Bingen, as the investigation shifted to a search for potential leads.

Despite the efforts of the operational forces and the local community, the Sunday search for the missing toddler along the Lauchert River did not yield any results. The ongoing investigation and the search for any new leads will now depend heavily on the findings from the breaking news of the case.


