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Schleswig supports military aid for Ukraine correctly

As the President of the Federal Council, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Minister-President Schwesig recently was in Ukraine. In her opinion, the country needs help - also military.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Ministerpresident Manuela Schwesig (SPD), has personally seen the...
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Ministerpresident Manuela Schwesig (SPD), has personally seen the consequences of Russia's offensive war against Ukraine. She supports military aid for the country, but maintains a critical stance towards it according to her own words.

Required help - Schleswig supports military aid for Ukraine correctly

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) spoke in favor of a nuanced debate on Ukraine aid and efforts to end the war. "We all wish peace for Ukraine. But the question is, how do we get there?" Schwesig said at a citizen forum of the "Ostsee-Zeitung" in Rostock.

Those who advocate for military support for Ukraine should not be labeled as war instigators, and those who are critical should not be called Putin apologists. "I believe this heated debate on such an important issue of war and peace is not right," said Schwesig. She herself supports military aid for Ukraine but respects other opinions. Furthermore, claims that there are no diplomatic efforts to end the war are false.

Schwesig acknowledged that Russia had been misunderstood. "I, like many in Germany, (...) believed it was important to engage in critical dialogue with Russia," she said. Economic cooperations were also seen as appropriate. "Putin answered differently. He attacked Ukraine," said Schwesig. She recently witnessed the dramatic consequences for the people there during a visit to Ukraine. Russia sends bombs daily and does not shy away from attacking a children's hospital. "There is no explanation or justification for that."

Schwesig admitted that she had underestimated Russia. "I am among the many in Germany, (...) who believed it was important to engage in critical dialogue with Russia," she said. Economic cooperations were also seen as appropriate. "Putin answered differently. He attacked Ukraine," said Schwesig. The recent consequences for the people there that she had witnessed during a visit to Ukraine were dramatic. Russia sends bombs daily and does not shy away from attacking a children's hospital. "There is no explanation or justification for that."

  1. Manuela Schwesig, the Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and a member of the SPD, expressed her support for a nuanced discussion on Ukraine aid and peace efforts at a citizen forum hosted by the "Baltic Sea Newspaper" in Rostock, Germany.
  2. Schwesig criticized the labeling of advocates for military support for Ukraine as war instigators and those with critical views as Putin apologists, stating that such heated debates on this critical war and peace issue were not appropriate.
  3. During her visit to Ukraine, Schwesig witnessed firsthand the harsh consequences of Russia's attacks, including daily bombing and the lack of justification for attacking a children's hospital.
  4. In her speech at the citizen forum, Schwesig acknowledged that many, including herself, had underestimated the actions of the Russian government in misunderstanding them and engaging in economic cooperations, only to be met with aggression and attacks on Ukraine.
  5. In the realm of International Relations, Schwesig maintains that Germany should continue advocating for diplomatic efforts to end the war in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of upholding peace and stability in the region, particularly involving neighboring countries such as Russia and Ukraine.

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