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Schleswig: Quality in tourismmore important than quantity

In Barcelona and Mallorca, the locals are resisting escalating mass tourism. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Minister-President Schwesig sees this as a warning.

In Spain, protests against mass tourism are growing. A warning for us.
In Spain, protests against mass tourism are growing. A warning for us.

trips - Schleswig: Quality in tourismmore important than quantity

The tourism industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can no longer accommodate large hotel construction projects, according to an assessment by Minister-President Manuela Schwesig (SPD). The current protests in Spain against mass tourism showed what would happen if the limit was exceeded. "It's a warning signal and confirmation for us that we should stay put here with both feet on the ground, instead of always striving for more guests and overnight stays," Schwesig said at a citizen forum of the "Ostsee-Zeitung" in Rostock.

It's about maintaining the quality of tourist offerings and at the same time improving the living standards for people in the region. Schwesig particularly appealed to coastal communities to make their remaining plots available for local housing construction instead of giving them to hotel investors. This is intended to ensure that employees in the Tourism sector find affordable housing at their place of work. High rents are considered a significant reason for the growing shortage of skilled workers in gastronomy and hotel industry.

  1. The government in Spain has also faced criticism for its approach to mass tourism, with locals protesting in cities like Barcelona.
  2. In contrast to Spain, the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, led by Manuela Schwesig, is focusing on maintaining the quantity and quality of tourist offerings while improving the living standards of locals.
  3. Rostock, a city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, was the venue for a citizen forum where Schwesig discussed the importance of affordable housing for workers in the tourism sector.
  4. According to Schwesig, high rents are a major factor contributing to the growing shortage of skilled workers in the tourism industry, not just in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, but also in popular destinations like Mallorca.
  5. The appeal for local housing construction instead of hotel investments extends beyond coastal communities, aiming to support the tourism industry by ensuring a stable workforce with a good living standard.
  6. This approach by Manuela Schwesig and the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern could serve as a model for other regions facing similar challenges in the tourism sector.

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