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Schleswig makes companies more courageous to export

In the country comparison in Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ranks among the lightweights for exports. There's room for improvement - that's what the regional governor also means.

View of Rostock Port: No other federal state exports so little goods as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
View of Rostock Port: No other federal state exports so little goods as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Foreign trade - Schleswig makes companies more courageous to export

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Minister-President Manuela Schwesig sees significant growth potential in the export activities of companies in the region. "Export increases our prosperity and creates jobs", explained the SPD politician regarding the Export Evening, which the state government was invited to at the Mecklenburg Metallguss GmbH in Waren. The manufacturer of ship propellers is considered one of the few companies in the northeast that are counted among the world market leaders in their industry.

Export as Risk and Opportunity

The main goal of the government led by her is to strengthen the economic power of the state, "so that jobs with good wages are created and secured." This includes supporting companies in exploring markets outside Germany. That is often a risk. "Simultaneously, export is a piece of independence from the domestic market and thus risk diversification," explained Schwesig.

According to the Statistical Office, goods worth 9.7 billion Euro left the country last year. The main export goods were wind turbines, wheat, and products from metalworking companies. Imports reached a value of nearly 9.1 billion Euro. The three most important trading partners were the USA, Poland, and the Netherlands. Goods worth 964 million Euro made the USA the most important target market.

Seaports as Pivot Points

According to Economic Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has good conditions to expand exports. "With our seaports and our location in the heart of Europe, our land offers excellent opportunities to be successful not only within Germany and Europe but also beyond," emphasized he.

In short, Minister-President Schwesig intends to travel to Brazil in her capacity as Federal President of the Bundesrat. She will be accompanied by an economic delegation, according to the State Chancellery. The trade between Brazil and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is currently running at a modest scale. Exports amounted to approximately 72 million Euro in 2023, and imports amounted to 56 million Euro.

In comparison to the federal states, industry-poor Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ranks among the lightweights in exports and is in last place according to data from the Statistical Office of the Federation. Export champion Baden-Württemberg achieved exports worth around 266 billion Euro in 2022, and Schleswig-Holstein managed 29 billion Euro.

  1. Recognizing the growth potential in foreign trade, Manuela Schwesig, the SPD politician and Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, supports local companies in exploring markets beyond Germany.
  2. Associations and government entities in Germany, such as the State Chancellery, often organize events, like the Export Evening, to promote foreign trade and foster partnerships with other nations.
  3. According to country comparison statistics, the United States of America is one of the key trading partners for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with import and export values reaching millions of Euros.
  4. To diversify risk and boost the state's economic power, the government led by Manuela Schwesig advocates for strengthening foreign trade relations and export activities.
  5. Companies in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, such as Mecklenburg Metallguss GmbH, can leverage the region's strategic location, including its seaports, to expand their market reach beyond Germany and even Europe.
  6. Germany's Federal President of the Bundesrat, Manuela Schwesig, is planning a trip to Brazil with an economic delegation to explore potential trade opportunities and further strengthen the relations between the two countries.
  7. Despite being industry-poor compared to other German federal states, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's growth in export activities has led to an increase in associations advocating for stronger foreign trade partnerships, which can ultimately unlock the region's export growth potential.

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