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Sailors in distress before Rügen due to thunderstorm

Two men are sailing before Rügen, when a storm is rising. Water is splashing into the boats.

Two sailors get into a thunderstorm off Rügen. (Archival image)
Two sailors get into a thunderstorm off Rügen. (Archival image)

weather, unfavorable weather - Sailors in distress before Rügen due to thunderstorm

Due to a thunderstorm, two sailors have run aground south of Rügen. The two men were in six-meter long, open wooden boats near Garz on Rügen, when they were surprised by the thunderstorm on a Tuesday, as the Water Rescue Police reported. The wind and waves were reportedly so strong that the boats were taking on water and threatened to sink.

The sailors made it to shore, rescue teams took them to the hospital with hypothermia. One of the boats sank approximately a hundred meters from the shore, but could be rescued by the Volunteer Fire Department.

The sailors had been sailing in their six-meter long, wooden boat when the unfavorable weather struck. Despite being in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, they encountered a fierce sailing environment due to the storm. Fortunately, they managed to reach the rocky coast before their wooden boat became a sailing disaster. However, the emergency situation was far from over, as they needed medical attention for the cold.

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