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Saar-Minister demands more money for labor market policy

The discussion about citizens' income and child benefit concerns the Saarland Social Minister with anxiety. He intends to put pressure on the Federal Government.

The Saarland Labor Minister Magnus Jung criticizes significant underfunding of labor market...
The Saarland Labor Minister Magnus Jung criticizes significant underfunding of labor market political measures in the Federal Budget (archive image)

Federal budget proposal - Saar-Minister demands more money for labor market policy

The Saarland Social Minister Magnus Jung (SPD) called for support from the Federal Government to prevent further division of society in the current social state debate. He expressed concern about many statements regarding Citizen's Income and Child Benefit, stating they were aimed at delegitimizing the welfare state.

To gain or regain the population's legitimation for the welfare system, Jung believes there needs to be significantly more money for labor market policies. The billion-dollar underfinancing in the Budget Proposal of the Federal Government is "totally absurd." "On the one hand, berating people in Berlin that they should finally go to work," while on the other hand providing funds for their qualification doesn't make sense," he said during a summer press talk with journalists. He hopes that during the budget negotiations, "the most severe cuts in this area can be rolled back."

The same applies to language courses, for which the budget proposes a halving. "Language is the A and O to integrate," Jung emphasized. One cannot cut funds and then "drag them along," who cannot integrate. The states are now putting pressure on the Federal Government in this regard and have already contacted the Bund. The constant back-and-forth is already causing significant uncertainty and is very damaging when searching for qualified teachers.

Besides, Jung urged the Federal Government to finally implement the Child Benefit. On the one hand, it's regrettable that money for children to escape poverty is being fundamentally questioned by the FDP. On the other hand, it's economically irrational, considering the future skilled labor shortage.

Everything that children don't get, such as developmental issues, school problems, and vocational training, are problems that the welfare state will have to carry with it for a whole lifetime. In the Minister's opinion, it's simply economically sensible to say: "Here we must invest in the future of the country."

Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Women, and Health of Saarland

  1. Magnus Jung, the Social Minister of Saarland from the SPD party, urged the Federal Government for support in addressing societal division during the current social state debate.
  2. Jung expressed his concern about the impact of statements on Citizen's Income and Child Benefit, which he perceived as being aimed at undermining the welfare state.
  3. To regain legitimacy for the welfare system, Jung emphasized the need for substantial budget allocation for labor market policies, criticizing the Federal Government's billion-dollar underfinancing in their Budget Proposal.
  4. In addition to this, Jung advocated for the implementation of Child Benefit by the Federal Government, expressing regret over the question of children's resources for escaping poverty by the FDP and the potential future skilled labor shortage.
  5. The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Women, and Health in Saarland also highlighted the importance of funding language courses, stating that language is crucial for integration and reducing uncertainty among qualified teachers due to constant budget renegotiations.
  6. The government's budget proposal includes a halving of funding for language courses, which Jung viewed as harming integration efforts and potentially leading to long-term problems in addressing developmental issues, school problems, and vocational training for children.

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