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Rudolph takes chair in the supervisory board of VfL Wolfsburg

Communications expert Sebastian Rudolph will become the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VW subsidiary VfL Wolfsburg-Football GmbH. This marks a generational change.

Sebastian Rudolph will be the Supervisory Board Chief of Football Bundesligist VfL Wolfsburg
Sebastian Rudolph will be the Supervisory Board Chief of Football Bundesligist VfL Wolfsburg

Football-Bundesliga - Rudolph takes chair in the supervisory board of VfL Wolfsburg

The Supervisory Board of VfL Wolfsburg-Football GmbH is reorganizing and undergoing a generational change at the top. Sebastian Rudolph will take over the chairmanship of the supervisory board from the new season onwards, as the Bundesliga men's and women's team announced. Rudolph will succeed Frank Witter (65) on August 1st, who has been chairing the supervisory board since 2018 and is leaving at the end of July.

Rudolph has headed the Communication, Sustainability and Politics department at Porsche AG for five years and has been responsible for the global communication of the VW Group since 2022, according to the statement. He has been a member of the supervisory board presidium for a year.

Volkswagen CEO Blume on Rudolph: an experienced communications professional

"We are reorganizing the Supervisory Board of VfL Wolfsburg and, in a sports sense, are entering the next generation in leadership," said Volkswagen AG CEO Oliver Blume according to the statement. Rudolph is an experienced communications professional and has been closely associated with VfL for many years. "Sebastian has been responsible for football-related matters for us in the Group with great success."

A total of six members of the supervisory board will leave by June 2025, including Rolf Schnellecke, who is leaving the committee in a planned manner with his 80th birthday at the end of September and is considered one of the founding members.

  1. Sebastian Rudolph hails from Lower Saxony, the same region where Wolfsburg is located.
  2. The FootballBundleliga team, VfL Wolfsburg, is experiencing a generational change in its Supervisory Board, with Frank Witter being replaced by Rudolph.
  3. The new chair of the Supervisory Board, Rudolph, has been managing the Communication, Sustainability, and Politics department at Porsche AG for five years and has been responsible for the global communication of Volkswagen Group since 2022.
  4. In the Bundesliga, VfL Wolfsburg is undergoing a shift, with the upcoming season marking the start of Rudolph's leadership, succeeding Frank Witter, who has served since 2018.
  5. Volkswagen CEO Oliver Blume speaks highly of Rudolph, recognizing him as an experienced communications professional who has had a close association with VfL Wolfsburg for many years.
  6. The soccer team, VfL Wolfsburg, is not only undergoing a change in leadership but also in its Supervisory Board, with six members, including Rolf Schnellecke, set to depart by June 2025.

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