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Right-wing repertoire? Residency ban for two musicians

Two musicians, who allegedly spread right-wing extremist repertoires, were supposed to perform at an event in Freudenstadt. The authorities were able to prevent this.

Police and the city mutually decided that a residence ban could prevent criminal offenses by the...
Police and the city mutually decided that a residence ban could prevent criminal offenses by the musicians.

Criminality - Right-wing repertoire? Residency ban for two musicians

Two musicians, who allegedly spread right-wing extremist repertoire, have received a temporary entry and residence ban for Freudenstadt. They were supposed to perform at a non-public music event at a local venue on the past Saturday, as the police reported.

Due to the risk that criminal offenses could be committed during the event, the city and police therefore decided to issue the musicians a temporary entry and residence ban for Freudenstadt. After receiving the ban on Saturday, the two left the local venue. They are known for their repertoire.

The event was known to the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution. According to a police spokesperson, several dozens of attendees from overregional areas were present at the event. The spokesperson made no further comments on the event and the attending persons for investigation reasons.

The musicians, who hail from Baden-Württemberg, were initially planning to perform at a venue in Freudenstadt, but their right-wing extremist repertoire led to a rightful concern about potential criminality. Consequently, the local authorities and police made the decision to enforce a temporary residency ban on them in Freudenstadt.

Although the musicians complied with the ban and left the venue after receiving it, the event attracted attention due to the presence of several dozen attendees from various regions. This information was known to the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Despite the police spokesperson's reluctance to provide further details, it is clear that the potential for right-wing extremism and criminal activity at the event was a significant concern for law enforcement in the region.

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