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Right-wing media and Fox News have declared their verdict on the Trump trial ahead of time.

Notes from the Editor: The following article initially appeared in the "Reliable Sources" newsletter. Subscribe to receive regular updates about the ever-changing media sphere.

Former President Donald Trump arrives at Manhattan criminal court on May 29, 2024. While the jury...
Former President Donald Trump arrives at Manhattan criminal court on May 29, 2024. While the jury deliberates on the case, certain members of the right wing media already have their verdict in.

Right-wing media and Fox News have declared their verdict on the Trump trial ahead of time.

The Manhattan hush-money trial has played out against a backdrop of Fox News and other conservative media outlets attempting to exonerate Trump. Hannity, Ingraham, and Bannon are prominent figures leading the charge, spreading narratives that portray Trump as an innocent victim of political persecution.

In the MAGA Media sphere, real-world facts are kept out of the loop, replaced with fabricated storylines to put a positive spin on the case.

Within this echo chamber, Trump is portrayed as a totally innocent person, innocent of any wrongdoing. But on the other hand, Joe Biden is painted as a manipulative figure who is using government to wage a covert legal war against his political rival. This twisted perception sees Biden as resorting to illegal "election interference" and rigging the judicial system to target Trump.

The nails in these lies are flimsy. Biden does not control the judicial system. The case is happening in a New York state court, and it's the Manhattan district attorney who has filed the charges. Additionally, key witnesses testifying against Trump aren't from the left-wing, they're his former allies like Michael Cohen and David Pecker.

Unfortunately, this false narrative is eaten up by millions who rely on right-wing media. Fox News consistently puts out misleading information about the case, which has come back to bite them, with the progressive Media Matters showing that they've leveled over 200 attacks on Judge Juan Merchan alone. It's not just Fox News; other MAGA media outlets are also contributing to this toxic rhetoric.

The trial, a landmark moment in US history, is being warped by these misleading narratives, impacting how voters see current events and shape their votes. The Republican Party is firmly in the grip of media outlets like Fox News, which has relentlessly defended Trump throughout the trial.

"WHERE'S THE CRIME?" hollered a banner on Ingraham's Wednesday show alongside an image of Biden, Judge Merchan, and District Attorney Alvin Bragg, dubbed "THE REAL FRAUDS."

An hour later, Watters accused Merchan of "LEADING THE JURY" and implied that it was "very fishy" that Trump's nemesis was chosen to preside over the case.

The barrage of attacks on Merchan is just one facet of the broader MAGA media assault on the hush-money case. It's important to be aware of these misrepresentations, as they're shaping how a significant part of the country perceives the trial taking place in lower Manhattan. And it serves as a warning that if Trump were to regain power, his powerful propaganda machine would be ready to spin any story he wants.

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In the realm of business and media, right-wing outlets continually defend Trump, disregarding factual evidence during his trial. This strategic narrative shifting by Hannity, Ingraham, Bannon, and others paints Trump as an innocent victim.

To reinforce this narrative, MAGA media outlets dellaud Trump while criticizing Biden for alleged election interference and manipulation of the judicial system, errors that are easily debunked, considering Biden does not control the judicial system and key witnesses against Trump are his former allies.




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