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Rheinmetall receives order for munitions factory in Ukraine

Rheinmetall is already one of the major producers of artillery ammunition in the world. In the future, the company also intends to build large-caliber shells in Ukraine.

The Rheinmetall logo on the Rheinmetall building in Düsseldorf. The company has received a contract...
The Rheinmetall logo on the Rheinmetall building in Düsseldorf. The company has received a contract from Ukraine to build a factory for artillery ammunition in the eastern European country.

Weapon shop - Rheinmetall receives order for munitions factory in Ukraine

Rheinmetall builds a munitions factory in Ukraine. The Ukrainian government issued the corresponding order, Rheinmetall announced in Düsseldorf. The project was already announced in February, now the next step follows. The contract volume lies in the low three-digit million Euro range, the machines and other equipment are to be delivered short-term.

Munitions production is to begin within 24 months, a six-figure number of Artillerymunition is to be produced per year - the focus is on the 155-millimeter caliber used by western countries, but other munition types are also planned. The factory will be operated by a joint venture that Rheinmetall intends to found with a state Ukrainian company - the founding is imminent.

"We are putting our words into action and are creating a Ukrainian competence center for munitions with our Partner," says Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger.

The largest German weapons manufacturer is one of the most important suppliers of military goods to Ukraine. The Düsseldorf company with its largest plant in Lower Saxony Unterlüß has already delivered tanks, anti-aircraft weapons, munitions, and other equipment. With the new munitions factory on site, Rheinmetall strengthens its Ukraine business long-term. Additionally, Rheinmetall operates a tank factory in western Ukraine through a joint venture with a Ukrainian partner.

  1. Rheinmetall's CEO, Armin Papperger, stated that they are establishing a Ukrainian competence center for munitions with their partner in Ukraine.
  2. The new munitions factory built by Rheinmetall in Ukraine will primarily focus on producing a large number of 155-millimeter caliber artillerymunition annually, with plans for other types as well.
  3. Germany's largest armament industry company, Rheinmetall, has been serving as a significant supplier of military goods to Ukraine, having delivered tanks, anti-aircraft weapons, munitions, and other equipment.
  4. Rheinmetall, in collaboration with a Ukrainian partner, operates a tank factory in western Ukraine, aiming to further strengthen its business presence in the country with the addition of the new munitions factory.

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