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Revision: Husband shot wife in the head

Suicide merely faked

The court ruled that the couple were separated and the husband did not want to accept his wife'
The court ruled that the couple were separated and the husband did not want to accept his wife's

Revision: Husband shot wife in the head

First, an accused husband gets away with his version of the night of the crime: His wife had shot herself. After an appeal, the Munich Regional Court reached a different verdict and convicted the father of five children of murder.

An alleged suicide by a woman was in fact a murder by her husband: With this decision, the Regional Court of Munich I changed the sentence against the husband in an appeal case. Srecko S. now faces life in prison, a court spokesperson announced. The wife was found shot dead in 2015. In a first trial, S. was only sentenced to a two-year suspended sentence for a weapons offense; for the judges at the time, the wife's death was a suicide.

However, the Federal Court of Justice overturned this decision on appeal by the public prosecutor's office. According to the findings of the chamber now responsible, the woman had not killed herself, but had been shot by her husband, who was separated. Despite the separation initiated by the woman against her husband's wishes, the couple continued to have contact. They had five children together.

Defendant presented three versions

According to the verdict, the two wanted to spend the night before the crime together and go on a trip with the children the next day. On the evening of the crime, the man discovered a message from an acquaintance to the woman and therefore decided to kill her. He first shot her in the head and then tried to fake a suicide. S. then placed a cartridge in the woman's hand. The regional court was convinced of this sequence of events after taking evidence again.

The defendant, on the other hand, had invented different versions of the events. First, he stated that his wife had shot herself alone. In another version, he stated that he was present. And finally, he testified that the fatal shot was fired during a tussle over the gun. The court judged the crime to be murder with base motives. It was particularly reprehensible that the man did not want to accept his wife's decision to separate due to an excessive desire for possession. The verdict is not yet final.

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The dispute over the wife's death was not resolved in the initial trial, as the husband was only charged with a weapons offense due to the courts belief in her suicide. However, an appeal by the public prosecutor's office to the Federal Court of Justice led to a reversal of this decision, with International Judgments recognizing the wife's murder as the husband's act.

In light of the new verdict, the husband's actions in Munich will now result in a life sentence for the conviction of murder and manslaughter, highlighting the seriousness of the crime.




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