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Residents should earn money from wind power expansion

Hamburg wants to designate 0.5 percent of the state's land area for the expansion of wind energy by 2028. In order for citizens to participate, they should benefit financially.

Hamburg residents are to benefit financially from the expansion of wind power. (archive picture)
Hamburg residents are to benefit financially from the expansion of wind power. (archive picture)

Energy - Residents should earn money from wind power expansion

With a Citizen Energy Law, the Red-Green coalition aims to let Hamburg residents profit from the expansion of wind energy in the city-state. Affected residents are to be involved organically and financially in the construction of new or the renovation of existing wind energy facilities, as stated in a proposal from the SPD and Green government factions for the citizens' meeting on Wednesday. The Senate is urged to explore various options for this.

"Citizen Energy Laws are an important basis for residents to actively participate in the expansion of wind energy in their neighborhood and earn money in the process," said the energy policy spokesperson for the SPD faction, Alexander Mohrenberg. "This way, we can set additional incentives for the energy transition and not only benefit energy companies and landowners, but also the people in the neighborhood." This model has proven successful in other federal states.

Hamburg aims to allocate 0.5 percent of the state area for wind energy by 2028 – five years earlier than legally required. To achieve this goal, it is important to involve people on site, said the climate expert of the Greens, Rosa Domm. "This is what a Citizen Energy Law enables: Residents can, for example, participate directly in the construction of wind parks with subordinated loans and attractive interest rates." Examples from all over Germany have shown that such models create a high acceptance for renewable energies.

  1. The SPD and Green government factions propose involving citizens financially and organically in the construction of wind energy facilities in Hamburg, emphasizing the importance of the Citizen Energy Law for this endeavor.
  2. The Red-Green coalition in Hamburg aims to encourage residents to profit from the expansion of wind energy, using the Citizen Energy Law as a means to set incentives for the renewable energy transition beyond just benefiting energy companies and landowners.
  3. With the Citizen Energy Law, the city-state of Hamburg empowers residents to take part in the construction of wind parks, providing them with subordinated loans and attractive interest rates, further increasing the acceptance of renewable energy in the community.
  4. The successful implementation of the Citizen Energy Law in other federal states underscores the potential for citizens to contribute to the expansion of renewable energy, such as wind power, in city states like Hamburg, providing a viable alternative to traditional energy sources.

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