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Report on municipal finances is due in 2026.

Cities, municipalities and districts in Saxony-Anhalt have bemoaned for years that the money from the state is insufficient. An investigation is to examine this. However, results are not yet available.

The results of the audit on the municipal finances are still not available.
The results of the audit on the municipal finances are still not available.

financial dispute - Report on municipal finances is due in 2026.

In dispute over the financial provision for communes in Saxony-Anhalt, no quick solutions can be expected. The grant for the preparation of a corresponding opinion is likely to be issued in September, the Finance Ministry in Magdeburg informed upon request. "With the availability of results, it cannot be calculated before the third quarter of 2026," a spokesperson stated.

Only in December, the Landtag passed a change to the Financing Equalization Law (FAG). The communes in Saxony-Anhalt receive significantly more money from the state this year. The allocations rise from 1.846 billion Euro to approximately 2.095 billion Euro.

However, in recent months, the counties have repeatedly emphasized that the money is not sufficient from their perspective. The counties do not have their own tax revenues. They receive money for their tasks from the state and from the affiliated municipalities through a levy. With the new opinion, it should be determined, among other things, whether the money from the state is sufficient.

The ongoing financial dispute over provision for communes in Saxony-Anhalt has prompted the counties to question if the allocated funds, expected to increase from 1.846 billion Euro to approximately 2.095 billion Euro, will be sufficient for their needs. The rural districts in Saxony-Anhalt rely heavily on funds from the state and affiliated municipalities through levy, making the BMF's upcoming opinion crucial in determining adequacy of state funding.

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