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Reopening of the Sea Museum after long construction phase

Seals, Seals and Jellyfish - The German Sea Museum in Stralsund now shows a varied exhibition on maritime themes again after a long construction phase. One area is missing yet.

After a long renovation phase, the Sea Museum reopens (archival image)
After a long renovation phase, the Sea Museum reopens (archival image)

Museums - Reopening of the Sea Museum after long construction phase

After nearly four-year long renovation, The Sea Museum in Stralsund opens its doors again today (9.30 AM) to visitors-female and males. The new barrier-free accessible exhibition is divided into four sections according to the museum and covers Evolution, Human and Sea, Diversity and Fishing. Due to construction delays, the aquariums will only be opened in the fall.

The renovation costs, according to the museum, amounted to over 50 million Euro. Before the closure, approximately over 800,000 people visited the altogether four sites of the German Sea Museum in Stralsund annually. Until the opening of the aquariums, an reduced admission fee applies.

The renovation of the Sea Museum in Stralsburg, part of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has been a significant project, involving a rebuild and redesign of various areas. Following the completion of the reopening on this day, visitors can explore the newly divided exhibitions. In addition to the Sea Museum, other museums in Stralsund also contribute to making Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a popular destination for cultural tourists.

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