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Redman's Alcohol Tour - Police dismiss accusations

Drunk on an E-Scooter: Investigation against CDU top politician Redmann. In the state parliament, it's about police information flows. The police deny the allegations and accuse betrayal of secrets.

The alcohol ride of CDU-faction leader Jan Redmann has repercussions in the state parliament. There...
The alcohol ride of CDU-faction leader Jan Redmann has repercussions in the state parliament. There is an extraordinary committee session in the middle of the parliament's summer recess.

CDU-Candidate - Redman's Alcohol Tour - Police dismiss accusations

Brandenburgs Police President Oliver Stepien dismissed allegations made in relation to the alcohol drive of CDU Landeschef and Spitzenkandidate Jan Redmann, stating that the police had delayed information flows for police control. Instead, the Interior Ministry accused Redmann of leaking confidential information, as sensitive police reports had reached the public. The opposition expressed suspicion that Redmann had been given an advantage due to deviation from usual internal information handling procedures.

In a three-hour special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committee of the Landtag in Potsdam, Police President Stepien stated that it was an "unacceptable accusation" that influence had been taken through delayed information management. This concerned the handling of so-called confidential WE-reports of the Police - these are reports about important events -, which the Interior Ministry is internally informed about. The Left faction suspected that Redmann had received preferential treatment and had been given a time window within the organization to publicly explain himself.

Police President: Concerns about infringing personal rights

Police President Stepien denied any delaying or withholding of information. In the committee hearing, he described that the Interior Ministry had been telephonically informed about Redmann's police control in the morning after the event. However, an electronic WE-report, which should have been sent promptly, was not sent. This was due to the fear that it would reach the public and infringe on Redmann's personal rights.

A WE-report is, according to Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU), a confidential matter and should not be made public due to its confidential nature and sensitive information. However, in the past few days, several WE-reports have been leaked to the public unlawfully, leading to investigations regarding potential breaches of official secrets.

Stübgen stated that the police had acted lawfully in their concern that confidential information could be leaked. Two criminal complaints have been filed. He assumed that the prosecutor's office would investigate, as Stübgen stated. The parliamentary leader of the CDU fraction in the Landtag, Steeven Bretz, also expressed suspicion that the campaign of a Spitzenkandidate for the Landtag election was endangered. Redmann himself was not present in the committee hearing.

The interior and legal policy spokesperson of the Left fraction, Marlen Block, stated that "smoke bombs" were being thrown. The CDU wanted to deflect the question of deviating internal police report handling with the issue of usual information flows.

1.3 Promille Alcohol Level while Driving an E-Scooter

Redmann, the CDU's Spitzenkandidat for the Landtag election in two months, was controlled by the police in the night from July 11 to 12 while riding an E-Scooter to his apartment in Potsdam. He had a 1.3 Promille alcohol level. The CDU Landes- and Fraktionschef informed the public twelve hours later and admitted the error.

The Links faction refers to the critical incident involving the traffic accident of Left parliamentarian Bettina Fortunato in their criticism. In this case, the Chancellery was informed within an hour.

Stübgen intends to react to the risk of secret leaks

In the committee session, the question of who receives WE-messages was discussed. According to Interior Minister Stübgen, in the ministry it concerns a lower two-digit number. In addition, there is a certain circle at the police. These messages also go to the personal service account of the Minister-President. Interior Minister Stübgen announced that, in the face of the suspicion of treason, he would check the distributor and possibly also change the addressee list.

  1. Michael Stübgen, the Interior Minister from the CDU, considered the leaked WE-reports as confidential due to their sensitive nature.
  2. The Interior Ministry accused Jan Redmann, the CDU Landeschef and Spitzenkandidate, of leaking confidential information, leading to allegations of a secrecy violation.
  3. During the Special session, Police President Stepien defended himself against accusations of delayed information management, stating that Redmann's personal rights were at stake.
  4. The Prime Minister's personal service account also receives WE-messages, according to Michael Stübgen, highlighting the sensitive nature of the information.
  5. The opposition party, the Left, accused Redmann of receiving preferential treatment due to the deviation from usual internal information handling procedures.
  6. Redmann, the CDU's candidate for the State election, was controlled by the police after his alcohol cruise, leading to accusations of a secrecy violation.
  7. The Interior Ministry announced plans to check the distributor of WE-messages and possibly change the addressee list, in response to the secrecy violation concerns.

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