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Redmann: Recognized after alcohol ride outside Brandenburg

The CDU-chieftain in Brandenburg regrets his drunken ride with an E-scooter. His prominence as the candidate for the state elections may have exacerbated the incident.

Jan Redmann regrets his drunken journey shortly before the hot phase of the campaign began.
Jan Redmann regrets his drunken journey shortly before the hot phase of the campaign began.

CDU-Leadership Candidate - Redmann: Recognized after alcohol ride outside Brandenburg

Ten days after his alcohol binge, CDU Landes- and Fraction Leader Jan Redmann was surprised by the wide circles the incident was drawing. "I was recognized at the weekend in Erfurt," said Redmann at the campaign kickoff of his party for the Brandenburg State Election in Friesack (Landkreis Havelland). He hoped he could attach political content to the increased public awareness. Nevertheless, he would have preferred to have avoided this "mistake."

Over a week ago, Redmann was stopped by the police while riding an E-scooter to his apartment in Potsdam with a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille. A blood alcohol level above 1.1 promille is a criminal offense. Redmann informed the media about the incident twelve hours later and admitted his error. A joint special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committees was scheduled in the Landtag for Wednesday. The focus was on police control and the question of whether CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice were involved and influenced the investigation.

At the campaign event in Friesack, Redmann addressed the topic of his drunk driving incident but left it at another confession and promised: "I will correct this mistake again." In addition, the CDU top candidate asked conversation partners to sit on an old bench, on which he claimed to have sat as a child. "You can talk about anything on this bench," said Redmann.

In the coming weeks, Redmann plans to talk to the people in various locations in Brandenburg with the bench. He emphasized that he wanted to listen.

Redmann is running for the CDU as the top candidate in the Landtag election in Brandenburg on September 22. Currently, the state is governed by a coalition of SPD, CDU, and Greens.

  1. Some critics within the CDU in Havelland District expressed concerns about Redmann's ability to lead effectively after the alcohol voyage incident.
  2. During his campaign visits, Redmann often shared stories from his childhood in the Commune of Brandenburg, including memories spent on the old bench in Potsdam.
  3. Despite the controversy, many party members in Erfurt and other parts of Germany remained supportive of Redmann and his campaign for the State election.
  4. The Alcohol voyage incident became a subject of discussion in the subsequent election debates, with opposition parties questioning Redmann's judgment and leadership qualities.
  5. Jan Redmann's candidacy for the CDU in the Landtag election in Potsdam-Mittelmark received support from local party members, who saw his mistake as an opportunity for growth and redemption.
  6. In response to questions about the involvement of CDU-led ministries in the investigation, Redmann stated that he had no reason to suspect any misconduct or bias.
  7. While attending a community event in Havelland District, Redmann publicly apologized for his actions and promised to maintain a responsible lifestyle moving forward.

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