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Redman: Alcohol cruise has gained greater popularity

The CDU-Leader in Brandenburg deeply regrets his drunken journey on an E-Scooter. His prominence as the candidate for the state election may have been aggravated by this incident.}

Jan Redmann regrets his drunken journey just before the hot phase of the campaign began.
Jan Redmann regrets his drunken journey just before the hot phase of the campaign began.

CDU-Leading Candidate - Redman: Alcohol cruise has gained greater popularity

Ten days after his alcohol binge, CDU Landes- and Fraction Leader Jan Redmann was surprised by the wide circles the incident drew. "I was recognized at the weekend in Erfurt," said Redmann at the campaign kickoff of his party for the Brandenburg State Election in Friesack (Landkreis Havelland). He hoped he could attach political contents to the increased recognition. Nevertheless, he would have preferred to have avoided this "mistake."

More than a week ago, Redmann was stopped by the police while riding an E-scooter to his apartment in Potsdam with a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille. A blood alcohol level above 1.1 promille is a criminal offense. Redmann informed the media approximately twelve hours after the incident and admitted his error. A joint special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committees in the State Parliament is scheduled for Wednesday. The main topics are expected to be police control and the question of whether the CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice were involved and influenced the investigation.

Redmann is running for the CDU as the top candidate in the Landtagswahl in Brandenburg on September 22. Currently, the state is governed by a coalition of SPD, CDU, and Greens.

  1. Jan Redmann expressed hopes to utilize the increased fame from the incident during the CDU's campaign for the Brandenburg State Election in the District Havelland's Friesack.
  2. The 'Drunken ride' on an E-Scooter by Redmann, the CDU's main candidate for the upcoming Brandenburg State Election, attracted significant attention during the weekend in Erfurt.
  3. Despite the unexpected fame, Redmann expressed regret for the 'mistake' and wished to attach political contents to it.
  4. The incident involving Redmann, in which he was stopped by the police while under the influence of alcohol, has sparked concerns about police control and potential involvement of the CDU-led ministries of Interior and Justice in investigations.
  5. The state of Brandenburg, currently governed by a coalition of SPD, CDU, and Greens, will hold a State Election on September 22, with Redmann serving as the CDU's top candidate.
  6. Redmann's 'alcohol voyage' created a wave of discussions and raised questions in the State Parliament, prompting a joint special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committees scheduled for Wednesday.
  7. The incident in Erfurt, where Redmann was recognized due to the media coverage of his 'drunken ride', has become a significant topic in the pre-election period, casting a shadow over his campaign.

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