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RB-Coach Rose fights for Xavi - Olmo is 'mega relaxed'

In transfer poker, Xavi Simons and Dani Olmo showed themselves very relaxed to Marco Rose. He wants to fight for his top players. Additionally, he clarified how well they feel in Leipzig.

Rose will continue to fight for Xavi's stay.
Rose will continue to fight for Xavi's stay.

Transfers - RB-Coach Rose fights for Xavi - Olmo is 'mega relaxed'

Marco Rose believes that Leihplayer Xavi Simons will stay at RB Leipzig. "I am still optimistic that we will be able to keep our top players here, as they also want to stay because they know what they have here, because they have made good strides here," said the head coach on Friday after the 1:0 win against SV Babelsberg.

Regarding the expiring exit clause of Dani Olmo worth 60 million Euro on Saturday, he is not concerned. "I am very relaxed about it. I can't change it anyway. We'll find out tomorrow, but I will sleep peacefully. Once again, we have a good team. We will again have a good team. We have ideas on how we might compensate. And if tomorrow the day goes by and nothing happens, then the coach will be happy," Rose said.

Last Contact with Xavi

Rose last had regular contact with the Dutch national player. "Xavi told me in the last phone call that things are going well for him, I'm going on vacation now and I'm putting my phone away. And since then I haven't heard anything more," explained the 48-year-old Rose.

To an Instagram post where Xavi shows an Uno card symbolizing a direction change, the trainer reacted with a wink: "Perhaps he has only played cards on vacation. That option exists, after all," said Rose and added: "It's transfer season. And we notice that some clubs are still signing, but they still have to let go. We have an absolute top core, a good foundation. And we are trying to keep our top players."

From a feeling perspective, the Paris Saint-Germain loan for Rose is still a Leipzig one. "We hope that the youngster will come back. I said: We are still in it, we are good things. And somehow he is still a player of ours, even though we don't have control over it. For me, Xavi is an RB player, no matter what happens," Rose thought.

The squad size will again be minimal at RB. Rose would rather "let everyone play and have a good competition." And if there are departures during the transfer period, "we will react with a similar positional profile. Around that, we have two, three positional profiles, where we look, if something really good comes up, then we are there," emphasized Rose.

Marco Rose is hopeful that Xavi Simon, a leihplayer from SS Babelsberg, will continue his tenure at RB Leipzig, as the young player is content with the team's progress and success in Saxony. Despite Dani Olmo's exit clause worth 60 million Euro expiring soon, Marco Rose remains confident and relaxed, believing that RB Leipzig has a strong team and has contingency plans in place. Rose last spoke with Xavi, who is on vacation, and expressed his hope that the Dutch national player will return to RB Leipzig after his vacation. In response to Xavi's Instagram post symbolizing a direction change, Rose speculated that the player might have just been playing cards, while also acknowledging that transfer season sees some clubs still signing and releasing players. Regarding the squad size at RB Leipzig, Rose prefers a minimal squad with ample playing time, and plans to react with a similar positional profile in case of any departures during the transfer period.

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