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Rain and wind - floods and storm surges expected

The German Weather Service (DWD) is warning of persistent rain in areas of many low mountain ranges on Christmas Day. There are storm surge warnings for the North Sea coast.

Bavaria is in danger of flooding in large parts.
Bavaria is in danger of flooding in large parts.

Changeable weather - Rain and wind - floods and storm surges expected

The German Weather Service (DWD) is expecting further changeable weather with rain and wind for Christmas Day. According to the forecast, it will be particularly rainy in the west and south-east of the country, with continuous rain expected in the north-western and western areas of many low mountain ranges. In the Erzgebirge and the Bavarian Forest, additional water runoff is to be expected due to the mild thaw at 8 to 14 degrees.

The weather service warned of the continuing risk of flooding in many streams and rivers in Germany. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) also issued storm surge warnings for Monday for the Weser and Elbe regions and the North Sea coast.

According to the DWD forecast, the wind should decrease during the course of the day. However, gale-force winds are still possible in the higher mountainous regions, with severe gales or gale-force winds possible on peaks.

Dry and sunny spells are also expected in the south, north and north-east. In the northern half of the country, it is set to become stormy and rainy again on Tuesday night. South of the Main, on the other hand, it should remain mainly dry.

On Boxing Day, the forecast is for variable to very cloudy conditions. In the morning, precipitation is still expected over the broad center, which will subside as the day progresses. In the afternoon, it may still rain in the north, but it will be largely dry in the south.

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