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Rabbit missing - Animal protector criticizes owner

Approximately 80 rabbits have gone missing in the Black Forest under mysterious circumstances, the police suspect theft. Sharp criticism from the regional animal protection officer regarding the animals' condition.}

The police in Südbaden are looking for around 80 rabbits (Symbol image)
The police in Südbaden are looking for around 80 rabbits (Symbol image)

Mysterious Deed - Rabbit missing - Animal protector criticizes owner

After the suspected theft of around 80 Rabbits in the Black Forest, the Animal Welfare Officer sharply criticized the keeping of the animals. "It is not usual for 80 rabbits to be kept together. For a hobby keeping, this is not animal welfare compatible", said Julia Stubenbord to the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. "According to animal protection law, the keeper of the animals must have the necessary knowledge and skills. This includes separating rabbits by gender or castrating them", said the veterinarian.

If rabbits are kept in mixed gender groups, one must reckon with a sudden increase in the number of animals, said Stubenbord. "When the animals give birth, they can be immediately re-mated. That's when it really gets going." In such uncontrolled and long-term breeding, inbreeding can also occur. "This makes the gene pool smaller and there are genetic defects among the animals. This must be avoided at all costs."

The rabbits are reportedly missing since July 15th. They were housed in a cage of a hotel in Loeffingen (District of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald). The police in South Baden are still investigating the case. "We are investigating in all directions", said a spokesperson in Freiburg. Information that some of the rabbits had appeared in nearby Lenzkirch is being checked.

"We don't know what happened", said Verena Reichle, the owner of Verena's Parkhotel, looking at the disappearance of the rabbits. There have been rabbits since 2018, the population had exploded informally this year - there was probably an uncastrated animal among them. "We contacted the veterinary office for help." The goal was for them to reduce the population to 15 to 20 animals. As a spokesperson for the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district office reported on request, the veterinary office had already ordered the population to be disbanded in mid-June. The 30 male rabbits were supposed to be removed first - but the population had already disappeared by July 16th.

  1. The theft of rabbits in the Black Forest has sparked conversations about animal welfare in Löffingen, a town located in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district of Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The Luck of the owner of Verena's Parkhotel in Löffingen seems to have run out with the mysterious disappearance of around 80 rabbits from their enclosure.
  3. The case of the missing rabbits has attracted attention in Stuttgart, with the local Criminality department of the police investigating the alleged theft.
  4. The Black Forest incident has brought Curiosities surrounding rabbit breeding and their welfare into the spotlight, with experts emphasizing the need for proper care and management.
  5. The Germany Press Agency reported on the situation, highlighting the concerns of animal welfare officers and the ongoing investigation by the police.
  6. The unfortunate incident in Löffingen underscores the importance of adhering to animal protection laws, which emphasize knowledge, skills, and responsible breeding practices to ensure the well-being of rabbits and other pets.

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