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Rabbinical school sues Interior Ministry over funding stop

The dispute over the restart of the liberal rabbinical school Abraham Geiger Kolleg escalates. With an urgent procedure, it demands stopped federal funds. What is the matter at hand?

Dispute over the restart of the liberal rabbinical school: Abraham Geiger Kolleg in Potsdam....
Dispute over the restart of the liberal rabbinical school: Abraham Geiger Kolleg in Potsdam. (Archival image)

Judaism - Rabbinical school sues Interior Ministry over funding stop

The liberal Rabbinical School Abraham Geiger Kolleg is suing the Federal Interior Ministry for the payment of previous funding in a dispute over its reorientation. In an urgent application, the College accuses the Ministry of violating its neutrality obligation in religious matters. "It's about a prolonged renewal of the funds," lawyer Wolfram Hertel told the German Press Agency. Previously, "Der Spiegel" reported on the lawsuit before the Berlin Administrative Court.

The Federal Interior Ministry, the Brandenburg Science Ministry, and the Cultural Ministers' Conference have not paid any money to the College this year. The Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam is the only training institution for liberal rabbis and rabbis in Germany. The court has not commented on the proceedings yet.

Dispute over the restart of the College

The Jewish Community in Berlin took over the management of the liberal Rabbinical School last year due to allegations of misuse of power and sexual harassment at the College. The Central Council of Jews rejects this. In February, it informed the Federal Interior Ministry, the Brandenburg state government, and the Cultural Ministers' Conference that a restart with a foundation as the sponsor was being planned. The General Rabbinical Conference, a body of the Central Council, had confirmed this.

The School is affiliated with the University of Potsdam and is mainly financed from public funds. The allocation by the Federal Interior Ministry (BMI) amounts to 388,000 Euro.

The Ministry did not comment on the lawsuit upon request. "We ask for understanding that the BMI does not comment on ongoing court proceedings," a spokesperson said. The lawsuit in the urgent proceedings is directed only against the BMI. The College's lawyer expects that the other donors will orient themselves towards a court decision. He assumes a court decision at the end of August.

Dispute between College and Central Council

Reports of allegations of misuse of power and sexual harassment at the Rabbinical School first emerged in May 2022, which led to extensive investigations. The Central Council of Jews in Germany sees personal misconduct by the founder and former rector Walter Homolka. He denied the allegations and stepped down from his positions. Homolka transferred his shares in the Abraham Geiger College GmbH and the conservative Zacharias Frankel College to the Jewish Community in Berlin. This move met with criticism from the Central Council at the time.

  1. The liberal Rabbinical School Abraham Geiger Kolleg, primarily funded by the Federal Interior Ministry (BMI), is currently involved in a dispute over the continuation of their funding due to their reorientation.
  2. The Interior Ministry of Germany, along with the Brandenburg Science Ministry and the Cultural Ministers' Conference, have not released any funding to the Abraham Geiger College this year.
  3. The Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam, the sole training institution for liberal rabbis in Germany, is affiliated with the University of Potsdam and has received 388,000 Euro in allocation from the BMI.
  4. In February, the Central Council of Jews in Germany informed the BMI, the Brandenburg state government, and the Cultural Ministers' Conference about plans to restart the College with a foundation as the sponsor.
  5. The Central Council of Jews in Germany has faced criticism for taking over the management of the liberal Rabbinical School due to allegations of misuse of power and sexual harassment, which emerged in May 2022.
  6. The Administrative Court in Berlin is currently hearing a lawsuit filed by the liberal Rabbinical School Abraham Geiger Kolleg against the Federal Interior Ministry, seeking payment of previous funding.
  7. The legal representative of the College believes that other donors will follow the court's decision, which is expected towards the end of August.

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