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Pursuit journey across Saarland

Two different license plates were just the beginning. In the end, it was clear: The driver had more than one reason to flee.

Two different signs triggered the police intervention (pictures)
Two different signs triggered the police intervention (pictures)

traffic - Pursuit journey across Saarland

A pursuit on an autobahn in Saarland endangered other traffic participants. After the fugitive had been stopped, it became clear why he didn't want to stop. The man is now facing various investigative procedures, the police announced in the evening.

In the morning, the officers were informed about a car with two different license plates on the A620. A patrol car discovered the vehicle near Saarbrücken. The officers tried to get the driver off the autobahn. At first, it seemed as if he was going to follow, but shortly before the exit, he steered the car back onto the autobahn.

"This forced some other traffic participants to suddenly brake to avoid a collision," it was stated. The patrol car continued to follow the fugitive on the A620. Shortly before the exit to Völklingen, the driver was reportedly stopped by skillful maneuvering of the police officers and arrested.

According to the police, a 37-year-old man from Saarbrücken was under the influence of narcotics, didn't have a valid driver's license, the car was neither insured nor registered, and at least one of the two license plates was stolen.

The police initiated an automatic traffic pursuit due to the driver's suspect behavior. This unfolded as a dangerous pursuit journey along the A620 in Rhineland-Palatinate, briefly entering Saarland near Saarbrücken. Despite attempts to pull him over, the driver evaded capture, putting other traffic at risk. After a skilful maneuver near Völklingen, the pursuit concluded with the driver's arrest.

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