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Pupils and teachers in MV start summer holidays

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the summer holidays have begun. Nice weather at home invites to excursions to the beach.

In the north as well, summer vacations have started. To begin with, there's beach weather.
In the north as well, summer vacations have started. To begin with, there's beach weather.

vacation start - Pupils and teachers in MV start summer holidays

For 161,700 girls and boys at the comprehensive schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the summer holidays began on a Friday. After the mandatory report card handover, teachers bid farewell to their classes for a six-week period without lessons and homework. More than 10,000 students completed their education. After finishing regional schools or taking their Abitur exams, these students aim for vocational training, start studying, or do community service with social or environmental organizations.

At the start of the holidays, students and teachers can look forward to a weekend with a lot of sun in their home region after the recent often rainy weather. Meteorologists forecast temperatures close to 30 degrees even at the coasts. Since the holidays started in other federal states in the north and east as well, traffic on the roads to the Baltic Sea is expected to be heavier than usual. The police reported moderate traffic jams on Fridays according to their own statements. Major traffic jams were not reported.

Help hotline for poor grades

Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left) congratulated students on their report cards but also referred to the report card help hotline. There, students and guardians could get support, advice, and help if the grades were not as expected. The hotline was also available during the first week of the holidays.

Oldenburg wished students, their families, and school employees a relaxing summer and took the end of the school year as an opportunity to express respect and thanks to the teachers. With their dedicated work, they had ensured a varied teaching and had gone beyond the call of duty to reduce the number of lesson cancellations. Due to the shortage of teaching staff, positions remained unfilled. In addition, the personnel situation at the schools in the state was a topic of controversial debates in the previous school year.

  1. During their summer vacation, many students in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern plan to visit local leisure activities, taking advantage of the good weather and the longer days.
  2. Some teachers, having a bit of free time during the vacation, might choose to attend professional development courses or workshops to further their own Education.
  3. As the vacation start approaches, the city of Schwerin, with its historical landmarks and beautiful parks, becomes an attractive destination for families looking to spend their leisure time.
  4. After the closing ceremonies at various schools, Simone Oldenburg, the Education Minister, announces plans for improving the teaching staff situation and reducing lesson cancellations, ensuring a better educational experience for students when they return in the fall.
  5. With the end of the school year and the start of the summer vacation, students in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern can look forward to a long-awaited break from academic pursuits and spend quality time with their loved ones, engaging in various leisure activities.

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