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Protests against controversial AfD meeting in Neumünster

Representatives of the AfD meet with representatives of groups labeled as right-wing extremist in Neumünster. The police are also present.}

Protest against AfD meeting
Protest against AfD meeting

Demonstration - Protests against controversial AfD meeting in Neumünster

In Neumünster, a representative event of the AfD party took place at a restaurant, with attendees from groups labeled as right-wing extremist by the authorities present. Numerous police officers secured the event.

The Interior Ministry in Kiel viewed the meeting under the name "Day of the Fringe" critically. Among the attendees were several organizations assessed as securely right-wing extremist by the Constitutional Protection Agency, as a spokesperson stated. Originally, the Constitutional Protection Agency-labeled "Compact"-Magazine was also invited, which Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) recently banned. The invitation was confirmed by AfD Vice Chairman Schleswig-Holstein Volker Schnurrbusch to the dpa.

A broad coalition, including the CDU, SPD, and Greens, mobilized against the event. According to the Police, approximately 130 demonstrators had gathered before the location. They protested with signs and banners against the event. According to police reports, everything went peacefully until early afternoon.

  1. Despite the criticism from the Interior Ministry in Kiel, the AfD party continued with their event in New Munster, attracting attendees linked to right-wing extremist groups, as identified by the Constitutional Protection.
  2. The police in Kiel, aware of the potential for extremism, maintained a significant presence at the restaurant where the AfD event was being held.
  3. The banned "Compact"-Magazine, a publication labeled as right-wing extremist by the Constitutional Protection Agency, was initially invited to the AfD's "Day of the Fringe" event, confirmed by the party's Vice Chairman in Schleswig-Holstein, Volker Schnurrbusch.
  4. In response to the AfD gathering, a broad coalition of political parties, including the CDU, SPD, and Greens, organized a demonstration against the event, assembling approximately 130 demonstrators outside the venue.
  5. The peaceful demonstration, held with signs and banners expressing opposition to the AfD event, ended without incident until early afternoon, according to police reports.
  6. Subsequently, another demonstration took place, initiated by an activist group named SPEED, aiming to combat extremism and racist attitudes, in the heart of Neumünster, the city where the controversial AfD event had taken place.

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