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Protest demonstration before parliament: Climate activists in court

A large transparent over the entrance of the parliament, next to it a well-maintained caravan with activists. Five participants came to court because they supported the action.

After a protest action at the NRW legislature, members of "Extinction Rebellion" appear in court.
After a protest action at the NRW legislature, members of "Extinction Rebellion" appear in court.

Protest in the exclusion zone - Protest demonstration before parliament: Climate activists in court

More than three years after a protest action by Extinction Rebellion at the Düsseldorf State Parliament, five climate activists, two women and three men aged between 37 and 66, have to appear before the District Court today (12 p.m.). They are accused of sitting on a caravan during the protest, while their fellow activists climbed onto the glass roof of the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag and unrolled a large banner with the inscription: "Lobbies out - Citizens in".

According to the indictment, a total of 21 activists, including the caravan, appeared before the North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag on May 20, 2021. Four of them climbed onto the glass roof during the plenary session and unfurled a large banner with the inscription: "Lobbies out - Citizens in".

Within the security zone, where political demonstrations and other public gatherings are banned, other participants had chained themselves to the caravan and a self-built wind turbine. The police did not clear the area until hours later.

Subsequently, several measures were taken for the safety of the parliament: Poles were installed at the square and around the building to keep vehicles away. The security personnel were also increased, and the registration of visitors was introduced.

  1. The five climate activists, who are part of Extinction Rebellion, face criminal charges for their protest action at the Düsseldorf State Parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia.
  2. In the upcoming District Court process, these two women and three men from Extinction Rebellion will defend themselves for sitting on a caravan during the protest.
  3. The protest action in 2021 included various activities, such as activists climbing onto the glass roof of the Landtag and unfurling a banner, which led to their charges.
  4. The response to the protest by the State parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia included measures like installing poles, increasing security personnel, and introducing visitor registration.
  5. While some of these Extinction Rebellion activists are currently in court for their protest actions, the movement continues to advocate for climate change solutions, attracting a diverse range of supporters, including men and women.

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