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Project "Saar 66" focuses on Babyboomers

Who will take care of the Baby Boomers, those birth-rich generations turning 60 now? In Saarland, effort is being made towards the "young seniors" and their involvement.

More and more Saarlanders will require care in the next few years - project 'Saar 66' seeks...
More and more Saarlanders will require care in the next few years - project 'Saar 66' seeks answers.

New concept - Project "Saar 66" focuses on Babyboomers

Sarland Social Minister Magnus Jung intends to explore new ways in elder care, nursing, and health politics. The SPD-politician presented the project "Saar 66" to journalists, where he collaborates with health and nursing funds as well as municipalities on prevention. New networks and assistance opportunities are to emerge locally - a combination of professional and numerous volunteer helpers.

Jung particularly focuses on the "Babyboomer" generation. Since they will be the largest numerical group to require care in a few years, he stated, "We cannot make up for it with more personnel in care. If we don't start fighting back now, we'll be facing a very challenging care situation in 10, 15 years."

Jung hopes that thousands of the "young old" will be motivated to get involved, for instance, in visiting services. "Someone who wants to be visited at home when they're 80 to avoid loneliness should start supporting visiting services locally as early as 65." In the opinion of the Minister, there is "extremely much" to do in the age group from mid-60s to late 70s, which not only has positive individual effects but also helps catch a lot in the community.

According to Jung, "Saar66" refers to an "in-depth development" of a concept like "Community Sister Plus" in Rhineland-Palatinate. This offering, according to the Social Ministry in Mainz, targets elderly people who do not yet need care but require support and advice in their current life phase. Community sisters visit people at home and advise them on health and household care, as well as local courses and senior meetings. Another responsibility of the expert is to initiate corresponding offers in the respective regions.

Discussion Paper "Saar 66" Land Program "Community Sister Plus" Rheinland-Palatinate

  1. Magnus Jung, the Social Minister of Saarland, emphasized the need for exploring innovative approaches in elder care, nursing, and health politics in Saarbrücken.
  2. The SPD-politician is collaborating with health and nursing funds, municipalities, and other entities on the "Saar 66" project, aiming to create local networks and assistance opportunities.
  3. In a bid to address the impending care crisis caused by the Babyboomer generation, Jung encourages voluntary engagement from the young old, suggesting they begin supporting visiting services at 65 to avoid future loneliness and community challenges.
  4. Inspired by the successful "Community Sister Plus" concept in Rhineland-Palatinate, Jung aims to implement a similar in-depth development in Saarland, providing support and advice to the elderly who do not yet require care but require assistance in their current life phase.

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