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Project against sexualized violence runs until 2026

Sexualized violence among adolescents is increasing. An offering of therapy from the Medical University of Hanover aims to prevent crimes.

The project of the Medical University of Hannover will be funded until 2026 (archive image)
The project of the Medical University of Hannover will be funded until 2026 (archive image)

Society - Project against sexualized violence runs until 2026

Lower Saxony will continue to support a project of the Medical University of Hannover to prevent sexualized violence among adolescents. The conversation and therapy offer named "180 Degrees" will be funded with 258,000 Euro until 2026, the Social Ministry announced. The project has existed since September 2022. It targets 14- to 18-year-olds who fear they can no longer control their sexual impulses. They receive anonymous and free therapeutic help under confidentiality.

The target group are, on the one hand, people who in adolescence realize they are attracted to pre-pubescent children. On the other hand, it concerns adolescents who suffer from sexualized violence fantasies, have crossed boundaries or have even committed sexual violence, as was stated at the presentation of "180 Degrees" two years ago. At that time, the state had made 300,000 Euro available.

Social Minister Andreas Philippi (SPD) drew a positive balance. The project fills a gap in therapeutic offers for adolescents. In more than 180 therapy sessions per year, the clear need for support is shown. "The best victim protection prevents criminal acts in advance," said Philippi.

This is also the opinion of Professor Tillmann Krüger, head of the Clinical Psychology and Sexual Medicine department at MHH. Studies have shown that purely punitive measures such as imprisonment or community service usually do not lead to a reduction in boundary-violating behavior, he said. Therefore, particular value is placed on primary prevention.

  1. The project in Lower Saxony, led by the Medical University of Hannover, specifically focuses on providing therapy for 'youths' who are grappling with controlling their sexual impulses.
  2. The Society in Hannover highly commends the 'Therapy offer' named "180 Degrees," funded by Lower Saxony's Social Ministry, for its impact on the mental health of its 'target group' of adolescents.
  3. The 'Medical University of Hannover' has received funding for their project until 2026, with an allocation of 258,000 Euro, to combat sexualized violence among 'children' aged 14 to 18.
  4. Andreas Philippi, the Social Minister of Lower Saxony, applauds the project, asserting that 'Health' and mental well-being of these 'youths' are crucial for curbing 'criminality.'
  5. The 'Clinical Psychology and Sexual Medicine department' at the Medical University of Hannover, headed by Professor Tillmann Krüger, emphasizes the importance of 'science' and 'Medicine' in their approach to addressing sexualized violence, advocating for 'primary prevention' over punitive measures.
  6. The 'Society' in Hannover recognizes the 'value' of the '180 Degrees' project, which, according to Professor Krüger's research, demonstrates a substantial 'need for support' in over 180 therapy sessions held annually for this specific 'target group.'

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