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Prohibition order: Raid against Islamic Center Berlin

Security agencies have had Islamist associations in Hamburg and Berlin under observation for a long time. Now comes the ban. Therefore, the police are moving in at Tempelhof in the morning.

The association in Berlin is now forbidden.
The association in Berlin is now forbidden.

Extremist Islamic Association - Prohibition order: Raid against Islamic Center Berlin

In connection with the ban of an extremist Islamic association in Hamburg and its subsidiaries, the Berlin Police searched four objects in the capital. These included the now banned Islamic Center Berlin (IZB) in Berlin-Tempelhof and three apartments, according to a spokeswoman of the Interior Administration. Around 130 police officers were involved in the operation in the early morning hours.

According to a dpa reporter, masked policemen approached the IZB in Ordensmeisterstraße around 6:00 am in a large formation. They scaled a fence and gained entry to the building through a window. They also forced open a door. Later, police secured evidence, including filing cabinets. At least two cars were towed from the courtyard. Police removed a sign of the institution from an exterior wall.

Senator Spranger: No Tolerance for Hate and Incitement

"Today's measures show that persistent attacks on our central principles such as the democratic and constitutional principle will not be tolerated," explained Senator for the Interior Iris Spranger (SPD). "Furthermore, I once again emphasize that hate and incitement against Jews, Jewish women, and Israeli citizens in Berlin are not tolerated. The call for a respectful coexistence among all people cannot be emphasized enough."

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) and five of its subsidiaries because, according to her ministry and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, it is an extremist Islamic organization that pursues constitutional hostile goals. The IZH in Hamburg is considered a significant propaganda center for Iran in Europe and propagates the ideology of the so-called "Islamic Revolution" and the establishment of an authoritarian-Islamic rule in an aggressively militant manner.

Fifty-three Objects Searched in Eight Federal States

A total of 53 objects were searched in the eight federal states of Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Bavaria, according to the ministry. Four Shiite mosques, including the searched institution in Berlin, were closed. According to the Berlin Interior Administration, investigations in the past months revealed that the IZB in the capital is significantly influenced by the Hamburg IZH.

Already in mid-November 2023, there was a nationwide raid in the investigation complex, including in the capital. The Berlin subsidiary IZB was also involved in the investigations at that time.

Police Union: Keep a Close Eye on Radicalization

The Police Union (GdP) in Berlin welcomed the ban of the Islamist association and its subsidiaries. "We thank the law enforcement officers who today across Germany clearly demonstrate that terrorists have no place in our country, we are vigilant, and we act in a coordinated manner against these globally operating networks," explained GdP Berlin State Chairman Stephan Weh.

"Berlin, as a metropolis, continues to be in the focus of international jihadism. Therefore, we must also pay closer attention to where young people are being radicalized." Islamic schools and social media activities must be checked. Stricter legal regulations are also necessary, Weh added.

  1. The search operations in Berlin were not limited to the IZB in Templehof, as four other objects in the city were also targeted by the German police.
  2. The police raids in Berlin were part of a larger operation across eight federal states, including Hamburg, where the extremist Islamic association and its subsidiaries were banned by the federal interior minister.
  3. Senator Iris Spranger, a member of the SPD, strongly condemned the activities of the banned Islamic association in Berlin and emphasized the importance of tolerance and respectful coexistence among all people in Germany.
  4. The Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) and five of its subsidiaries were banned due to their extremist views and pursuits of hostile goals against the democratic principles of Germany, according to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
  5. The Berlin mosque association and the Berlin subsidiary of the IZH were also under investigation in a nationwide raid that took place in mid-November 2023.
  6. The Police Union (GdP) in Berlin expressed concern about radicalization among young people in the capital, emphasizing the need for stricter legal regulations and closer monitoring of Islamic schools and social media activities.

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