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Prohibition of search: 50-year-old in Pirna (Compact)

Early in the morning, the police searched buildings in several federal states. It concerns 'Compact' and a film production. A 50-year-old from Pirna is also affected in Saxony.

Police officers from the Landeskriminalamt have been searching residential and commercial premises...
Police officers from the Landeskriminalamt have been searching residential and commercial premises in Pirna since early morning.

Searches - Prohibition of search: 50-year-old in Pirna (Compact)

The ban on the "Compact"-Magazine, which is classified as right-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, also leaves traces in Saxony. A 50-year-old man from Pirna is affected. Employees of the Special Commission on Right-wing Extremism (Soko Rex) searched the living and business premises of the man. He is said to have worked editorially for the "Compact"-Magazine. Possible evidence was secured during the search, it was stated.

Extensive raids in several federal states

Law enforcement agencies also searched real estate and apartments of leading figures in Brandenburg, Hessen, and Saxony-Anhalt. The goal of the raid was the seizure of assets and evidence, it was stated in a press release. The minister announced the ban, which prohibits any further activities. Violations of this would be criminal offenses.

"Compact" as a megaphone for the right-wing extremist scene

Faeser justifies the ban by stating that "Compact" is a "central megaphone for the right-wing extremist scene." She said: "This magazine incites in an abhorrent way against Jews and Jews, against people with a migration background, and against our parliamentary democracy." The ban shows "that we also go after the intellectual arsonists who fan the flames of hate and violence against refugees and migrants and want to undermine our democratic state."

Dangerous networks and propaganda

According to the LKA, the association and its affiliated organization target the constitutional order. It propagates antisemitic, racist, minority-hostile, historically revisionist, and conspiracy-theoretical content and disseminates it with distorted and manipulative presentations. In addition, the members are closely networked with the right-wing scene.

AfD chief Urban sees a "moral state"

The AfD faction in the Saxon Landtag sharply criticized the ban. "Frau Faeser is taking strides towards a moral state," explained party and faction leader Jörg Urban. The Federal Ministry is thereby trampling on both press and freedom of expression. "The ban appears to me just as arbitrary as the searches, during which assets are to be seized. We have only known such practices before from dictatorial systems."

  1. In response to the raids in Brandenburg, Hessen, and Saxony-Anhalt, the right-wing extremist network in Brandenburg's capital was also under scrutiny by the police.
  2. The media reported intensely about the raids, with Nancy Faeser, the Federal Minister of the Interior, actively engaging in discussions regarding the right-wing extremist threat in the country.
  3. After the raids, there was a growing concern about the spread of right-wing extremism in cities like Pirna, which is situated in the heart of Saxony.
  4. Speaking at a press conference, Faeser highlighted the role of 'Compact' in propagating extremist ideologies, stating that it serves as a platform for spreading hate speech against minorities and democratic institutions.
  5. Following the ban on 'Compact', Hesse's Justice Minister also announced plans to launch investigations into similar organizations operating within the state, emphasizing the need to combat right-wing extremism and its propagandistic networks.
  6. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is set to closely monitor the developments in the right-wing extremist scene in both Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, aiming to prevent further incidents and maintain public safety.
  7. The decision to ban 'Compact' was widely debated on social media, with many expressing their support for the move, while others accused the government of curtailing freedom of speech and expression.

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