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Price for school meals in Potsdam remains at max. 3.90 Euro

At all city schools in Potsdam, meals should still cost no more than 3.90 Euro. According to the mayor, savings must be made elsewhere for this.

The measure will be funded through unused household budgets from 2023/2024 (icon)
The measure will be funded through unused household budgets from 2023/2024 (icon)

Nourishment - Price for school meals in Potsdam remains at max. 3.90 Euro

For a school lunch in Potsdam, pupils and students no longer have to pay more than 3.90 Euro. This binding limit will continue to apply at all municipal schools until the end of the coming school year, the city announced. "As for costs that exceed this amount, the city of Potsdam will cover the excess amount." It was decided at the city council meeting in 2023 that parents should not have to pay more than 3.90 Euro for the meal.

"This relieves many households and hopefully leads many children to sign up for the school meal. However, it is important – especially considering the budget situation – that we save money for families in other areas," said Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) according to the statement.

The financing of the price cap will not involve transferring unused budget funds from 2023/2024 to the 2025 budget.

In the city of Berlin, they are also considering implementing a similar price cap for school lunches, following Potsdam's lead. The nutritional quality of Schulessen, or school meals, in both Potsdam and Berlin, should ensure they provide necessary nutrition for growing minds.

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