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"Poop" figure is a top seller among tourists

Catalan Christmas tradition

Part of the nativity scene in Catalonia: "poop"
Part of the nativity scene in Catalonia: "poop"

"Poop" figure is a top seller among tourists

You can't miss them: Next to Mary and Joseph, figures with bare bottoms squat in nativity scenes in Catalonia. The tradition in the Spanish region has its origins in the 18th century. Nowadays, the "poopers" are particularly popular with tourists.

Anyone strolling through the Christmas markets in Catalonia these days will see a lot of bare bottoms. Because in the north-east Spanish region, the nativity scene not only includes Mary and Joseph, ox and donkey, but also the figure of a farmer or shepherd crouching down with his backside exposed to do some big business.

This figure is called a "caganer", which could not be more accurately translated into German as "Kacker". The figure, whose origins are said to date back to the 18th century, is placed discreetly in the background of the nativity scene and is said to bring prosperity for the coming year. In the meantime, the figurine has become a bestseller among tourists, particularly in the regional capital of Barcelona. It's nice that vacationers can get something "that is typically Catalan" in this way, said Sergi Alos, co-owner of, one of the largest caganer manufacturers in the world.

Alos expects his company, which was founded by his mother in 1992, to sell 140,000 Caganer figures this year. The classic Caganer wears a white shirt, dark trousers and a "barretina", a typical Catalan red cap. However, the figure is now also available in numerous other versions, such as Chinese head of state Xi Jinping, former US President Donald Trump, pop idol Michael Jackson or soccer star Kylian Mbappé. Alos' family business offers around 650 different versions at prices ranging from 5 to 21 euros.

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