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Politician: Democrats' chances better after Biden withdrawal

Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidency campaign sets new directions, a US expert opines. However, it is crucial to see how the party reacts.

Politologist Sirakov: Harris would face a difficult campaign
Politologist Sirakov: Harris would face a difficult campaign

US election campaign - Politician: Democrats' chances better after Biden withdrawal

The political scientist David Sirakov sees the chances of the Democrats in the US Presidential election after Joe Biden's withdrawal as significantly improved. "The withdrawal has the potential to be a game changer. It's an opportunity for the Democrats to get back to political issues instead of repeatedly answering questions about age, health, and sleep behavior," he told the German Press Agency.

Whether Biden's withdrawal comes too late will be shown at the election on November 5. "For the party and the subsequent candidate or candidate, it's an unprecedented situation. A sitting, re-elected president has never dropped out of the race this late," said the head of the Atlantic Academy Rhineland-Palatinate. If the party leadership does not speak with one voice, however, this could be a test for the Democrats.

For Biden's potential successor Kamala Harris, the campaign would be a tough one, according to Sirakov. "She would have to use the remaining time to significantly improve her image. However, in hypothetical polls, she leads against Donald Trump, the Republican candidate. Whether that also applies if she becomes a candidate is unclear."

  1. David Sirakov, the political scientist, believes the Democratic Party's chances in the US Presidential election, following Joe Biden's withdrawal, have significantly improved.
  2. The United States of America is set to hold its Presidential election on November 5, and the impact of Biden's withdrawal on his party's prospects remains to be seen.
  3. The head of the Atlantic Academy Rhineland-Palatinate stated that Biden's late withdrawal from the race is an unprecedented situation, posing challenges for the Democratic Party and its potential nominee.
  4. Sirakov suggests that if Kamala Harris becomes Biden's successor, she will face a challenging campaign due to the need to significantly improve her public image in the remaining time.
  5. Despite these challenges, hypothetical polls indicate that Harris leads against the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, although it remains unclear if this advantage translates into actual election results.
  6. The German Press Agency in Mainz reported these developments in the US campaign, highlighting the potential implications for the upcoming Presidential election in the United States of America.

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