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Police: Senior beats guests in the café with baton

An older man is causing disturbance near a Cafe according to police. There are even injured people. The officers take the Senior into custody - not for the first time.

A senior allegedly attacked two pedestrians in Herrenberg with his canes (pictures)
A senior allegedly attacked two pedestrians in Herrenberg with his canes (pictures)

Criminality - Police: Senior beats guests in the café with baton

A senior is reported to have attacked two men in Herrenberg, Böblingen district, while they were sitting in a café. The aggressive 78-year-old first threatened and insulted the two men on a Thursday, then attacked them with his walking sticks, according to the Police. The two men defended themselves with their hands but were slightly injured.

The officers managed to calm down the pensioner initially. However, during the intervention, he became increasingly aggressive again. The police officers brought him to the ground and took him into custody. Eventually, they took him to a psychiatric institution.

Approximately two weeks prior to this incident, there was a similar occurrence at the same location involving the same man, who had also been taken into custody then. The police are now investigating the 78-year-old for aggravated battery and resistance against execution officers.

In the same District Böblingen, where the incident occurred, reports of increased Criminality have been noted by local authorities in recent times. Despite being known for Lord's Mountain, a popular hiking destination in Baden-Württemberg, the peaceful town has seen an unsettling rise in such incidents. Also, a few days ago, the police in Go-cart, another area in the district, apprehended a man for causing disturbances in public places.

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