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Police send notice late about Redmann's alcohol ride

Brandenburg's CDU-Chairman Redmann was checked by police while drunk driving an electric scooter. The internal police report was later sent than usual. The police explain why.

Jan Redmann, CDU's top candidate in Brandenburg (archive image), has gone on the offensive after...
Jan Redmann, CDU's top candidate in Brandenburg (archive image), has gone on the offensive after alcohol driving.

regional politics - Police send notice late about Redmann's alcohol ride

The Brandenburg Police reportedly sent an electronic report on the alcohol control of CDU top candidate Jan Redmann intern one day later than claimed, according to their own statements. The principle of electronic transmission can be deviated from, for example, to ensure that the personal rights of those affected are not violated, the Police Presidium informed the German Press Agency. This concerns a "report of important events" to inform the Interior Ministry.

In Redmann's case, the report was reportedly sent in writing rather than electronically within the Police Presidium and via the police hotline to the Ministry on the Friday morning of the previous week. It was then, according to media reports, also sent electronically on the Saturday morning. The Interior Ministry is currently headed by ex-CDU state chairman Michael Stübgen.

According to a report in the "Märkische Oderzeitung" and the "Märkische Allgemeine," a special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committee in the state parliament is being considered to clarify any special treatment.

The previous week, CDU state and faction leader Redmann was reportedly stopped by police while riding an E-scooter to his home in Potsdam with a breath alcohol level of 1.3 promille. A blood alcohol level above 1.1 promille is a criminal offense and not an administrative offense. Redmann informed the media on the Friday afternoon - about twelve hours after the incident - and admitted an error.

According to Redmann's account, the police did not give him a specific reason for the stop. In the police report, which the "Märkische Allgemeine" initially reported on and which the dpa also has access to, it says that Redmann was controlled "due to his driving behavior." The police are not providing information on the content of the report. "I have not yet received access to the files," Redmann told the dpa.

The coalition partners SPD and Greens sharply criticized Redmann, with Links fraction leader Sebastian Walter accusing him of lying. Redmann received backing from CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann and Thuringia CDU Chairman Mario Voigt.

  1. The delay in sending the alcohol control report regarding CDU candidate Jan Redmann was addressed by the Brandenburg Police, as stated by the Interior Ministry.
  2. The election campaign in Brandenburg's State politics was impacted by the alcohol voyage incident involving the CDU's top candidate, Jan Redmann.
  3. The Interior Ministry is considering a special session of the Interior and Legal Affairs Committee in the State parliament to clarify any special treatment related to the incident.
  4. Potsdam, the city where CDU state and faction leader Redmann resides, became a topic in German State politics due to the alcohol control incident.
  5. The Interior Ministry, currently headed by Michael Stübgen, is responsible for reviewing the alcohol control report related to the CDU candidate Jan Redmann.
  6. The coalition partners SPD and Greens criticized Redmann for his actions, while CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann and Thuringia CDU Chairman Mario Voigt offered support.

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