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Police search for Rastplace attackers nationwide

An attack on a motorway rest stop near Bonn continues to raise questions. The police are still searching for the perpetrators who allegedly attacked a married couple. It appears that both parties knew each other.

The police are searching federally For suspects after the attack on a coupled couple at a rest stop...
The police are searching federally For suspects after the attack on a coupled couple at a rest stop in Bad Honnef

Criminality - Police search for Rastplace attackers nationwide

After the attack on a couple at a rest stop near Bad Honnef, the Police are searching nationwide for suspects. A police spokesperson in Bonn announced this on a Friday. Due to the uniqueness of the case - the crime scene being at a highway in North Rhine-Westphalia was likely a coincidence - we are now "more or less" nationwide and searching for the suspects.

The couple was severely injured by several unknown individuals on a Wednesday evening at the heavily trafficked Autobahn 3 near Bad Honnef. The 51-year-old husband was run over by a car in front of his RV, according to police findings. Then, both the man and his 50-year-old wife were attacked and severely injured by up to five people, reported the police. The couple was on a trip. The assailants fled.

The police assume that the victims and the perpetrators knew each other. The fact that the attack occurred in the Bonn area was likely mere coincidence.

According to police statements, the couple was still being medically treated on a Friday. There was also a brief hearing, it was reported. The police did not provide any details about this at first.

The investigation into the attack on the couple at the rest area is now being conducted in an almost nationwide manner, with police forces in North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond involved, given the unique circumstances of the criminality.

The couple, who were on a trip, were not known to have any previous encounters with criminality in the Bonn area, making the attack seemingly random.

Despite the ongoing raids by the police in an attempt to apprehend the suspects, no substantial leads have been reported as of yet.

The married couple, who were severely injured in the attack, are currently undergoing medical treatment at a hospital in North Rhine-Westphalia, with updates on their condition still being kept confidential by the authorities.

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