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Police officer injures himself during E-bike chase

A e-bike rider is fleeing from the police in Gießen. One of the officers starts the pursuit on foot. When he catches up to the cyclist, he gets injured.

A e-bike rider fled when he saw a police car.
A e-bike rider fled when he saw a police car.

police operation - Police officer injures himself during E-bike chase

A police officer was injured during a pursuit of an E-Bike rider in Gießen. According to the Police, the officer was chasing a man who had fled for unknown reasons in front of the police cruiser. When the officer caught up to the cyclist and reached for his backpack, both fell to the ground.

The officer reportedly did not continue his duty and was taken to a hospital for examination. The cyclist remained unharmed. The Police are investigating why the man fled from the police. So far, there are no concrete indications of criminal activity, they said.

The police operation in Gießen involved a pursuit of an E-Bike rider, leading to an officer's injury. The heavy traffic in the area didn't seem to hinder the Police patrol's chase. Despite the incident, the Police in Hesse have not found substantial evidence suggesting criminality associated with the cyclist's escape. The routine patrol continued in the city despite the abrupt pursuit.

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