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Police investigating tractor accident in camping site

Why did a boy stumble during an activity at the summer camp and seriously injure himself? The police are investigating the causes.}

A ten-year-old is under the wheels of a tractor in a campsite - the police are investigating the...
A ten-year-old is under the wheels of a tractor in a campsite - the police are investigating the circumstances.

Ten-year-old injures - Police investigating tractor accident in camping site

After an accident at a camping site in Melle involving a ten-year-old with severe injuries, the Police have launched an investigation. The child was injured on a Wednesday evening, when they and other youths attempted to pull a tractor without engine power over the campsite. The incident was part of a team-building activity. According to the police, the ten-year-old tripped over, for unknown reasons.

The tractor could not be stopped in time. The child's leg and parts of their arm were run over by the vehicle. The child was immediately taken to a nearby hospital.

The camping site where the incident occurred is located in Lower Saxony, Germany. This unfortunate accident has raised concerns among parents planning leisure activities for their children at such sites. Despite the thorough investigation by the police, the exact cause of the ten-year-old's trip remains unexplained. The camp site has temporarily halted all tractor-related team-building activities until a safer alternative is found.

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