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Police disperse right-wing concert

Right-wing musicians perform, around 50 visitors travel. The concert is dispersed by the police. Interior Minister Strobl emphasizes the "firm line" of the country.

The police prevented a right-wing concert.
The police prevented a right-wing concert.

Right-concert - Police disperse right-wing concert

The Police disbanded a concert of the far-right scene in an industrial area in Bopfingen, Ostalbkreis. Since performing musicians were assessed as extremist by the Constitutional Protection, the officers assumed that criminal acts could occur, as the Aalen Police Presidium announced. The performances of the bands were banned and an entry prohibition was issued. "There is no place for right-wing extremist music events in Baden-Württemberg," said Thomas Strobl (CDU) about that.

The police found prohibited symbols among some of the 50 attendees from various federal states. The officers also discovered a violation of the weapons law. A police spokesperson did not provide details about this. In total, the disbanding of the concert proceeded peacefully, it was reported.

All possibilities will be used to prevent the musical dissemination of right-wing extremist ideology, Strobl continued. "We will pursue this firm line with all consequences – and pull out all the stops."

Recently, the police in Freudenstadt had issued a temporary entry and residence ban for two musicians who were suspected of disseminating far-rightist song lyrics. The two men had to leave a local where they wanted to perform on a Saturday a week ago. Several dozens of attendees had also come from outside Baden-Württemberg.

According to the statements of the Interior Ministry, the number of right-wing extremist music events in the past ten years had moved in the single-digit or low double-digit range. Due to a coronavirus-related decline, security authorities have recently become aware of an increased number of and particularly clandestine right-wing extremist music events. The lyrics contained frequent calls to fight the existing order and verbal attacks on its representatives. Similarly, there were incitement against migrants, Jews or homosexuals.

  1. The concert disbandment took place in an industrial area, which is located within the Ostalbkreis region of Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The musicians performing at the concert were considered extremists by the Constitutional Protection, leading to concerns about potential criminal activities.
  3. In addition to banning the performances and issuing an entry prohibition, the police also searched attendees for prohibited symbols and discovered a weapons law violation.
  4. Thomas Strobl, a CDU representative, emphasized that there is no place for right-wing extremist music events in Baden-Württemberg and promised firm action against such events.
  5. The police in Aalen have also been cracking down on right-wing extremist musicians, as demonstrated by the temporary ban issued for two perceived offenders.
  6. The Interior Ministry reported that the number of right-wing extremist music events in the last decade had been low, but security agencies have noticed an increase in clandestine events with hateful lyrics directed towards various groups.

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