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Police catch drunk bus driver twice

A 56-year-old man got drunk twice and was stopped by the police - on the same morning. He had to give up his driver's license after the first encounter.

After the first check, the policemen took the bus driver to the station.
After the first check, the policemen took the bus driver to the station.

Alcohol - Police catch drunk bus driver twice

A bus driver was caught drunk by the police and had to hand over his driver's license - and found himself shortly thereafter in the next control with his car. The first time the officers had controlled the 56-year-old man was at the main train station in Kaiserslautern, according to police information. There, he was reportedly on his way with his bus - without passengers, but with a blood alcohol content of over 1.8 promille, as a breath test showed.

Less than two hours after the man had to hand over his driver's license at the police station, he was reportedly caught again in his car "not less drunk." He now has to account for himself due to the charge of driving under the influence and driving without a valid license.

In Rhineland-Palatinate, the area where the incident occurred, increased traffic congestion might result from the man's ongoing legal issues, given his multiple offenses of driving under the influence. Despite being banned from driving, the man was allegedly involved in another incident of criminality by driving without a valid license and being intoxicated.

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