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Police catch driver apparently engaging in illegal racing

Two drivers are reportedly racing on the A7, endangering not only themselves but also others. The police are investigating.

On the A7, the police caught two young drivers who seemingly held an illegal race (picture).
On the A7, the police caught two young drivers who seemingly held an illegal race (picture).

traffic - Police catch driver apparently engaging in illegal racing

Two young drivers allegedly engaged in an illegal race on the A7 motorway near Rosdorf. The 22-year-old and the 23-year-old were observed exhibiting conspicuous driving behaviors between the Lutterberg interchange and the Drammetal junction, according to the Police.

They reportedly drove at significantly higher speeds, for instance, through a construction zone. Additionally, they frequently overtook each other and other traffic participants on the right side.

The 23-year-old was eventually stopped on an autobahn rest area. His younger opponent was controlled only a little later at a rest stop. An investigation is ongoing against both individuals. The Police are looking for witnesses who observed the incident around early Thursday evening.

The alleged criminality on the A7 motorway has prompted the Police in Lower Saxony to seek out witnesses. The conspicuous driving behaviors, including racing at high speeds and overtaking traffic illegally, occurred between the Lutterberg interchange and Drammetal junction. Despite fleeing initially, both individuals were eventually stopped and are now under investigation for their involvement in the racecar incident in Rosdorf.

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