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Police: Arson with seven injured at fire

In the garage of a shelter, seven people were lightly injured by the smoke. According to the police, there are no indications of a politically motivated crime.

At a fire with seven injured in a multi-unit house in Cham, the police are investigating arson.
At a fire with seven injured in a multi-unit house in Cham, the police are investigating arson.

Criminality - Police: Arson with seven injured at fire

Seven people have been lightly injured in a fire at the garage of a multi-unit house in Cham, which is used as a shelter for asylum seekers. According to the latest information from the Police, the cause of the fire is suspected to be arson, as stated by the Oberpfalz Police Department. It is initially unclear whether it is premeditated or reckless arson, according to a spokesperson. There is currently no evidence of a politically motivated act.

Unknown individuals are believed to have set objects in the garage alight during the night from Monday to Tuesday. The fire department extinguished the fire. The seven people were treated for smoke inhalation on site. The investigators are now looking for leads regarding a group of eight to ten people and two vehicles.

  1. The incident has sparked concerns about criminality in the neighborhood, with some residents expressing fears about the safety of the asylum seekers and the local community.
  2. The fire at the multi-unit house in Cham also highlights the need for improved fire safety measures in multi-party houses, particularly those used as asylum accommodation.
  3. The Brand Foundation, a local charity, has offered its support to the affected residents, providing temporary accommodation in Bavaria's Upper Palatinate region.
  4. The police in Bavaria have urged anyone with information about the arson or the individuals believed to be involved to come forward, as the incident remains under investigation by the multi-agency task force.

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