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Photovoltaic-Installations bring significant money to towns

Brandenburg will generate its power completely from renewable energies as of 2030. This requires the expansion of alternative sources such as photovoltaics. And that can be very profitable.

After the first solar field at Welzow Airfield in the Lausitzer Seenland, another one is planned in...
After the first solar field at Welzow Airfield in the Lausitzer Seenland, another one is planned in Haidemuhle

Energy - Photovoltaic-Installations bring significant money to towns

The establishment of Photovoltaic free-field installations is expected to generate significant revenues for Brandenburg municipalities in the coming years. According to the response from the Economic Ministry in Potsdam to a query from the Green faction in the Landtag, there are currently 29 planned installations in 23 locations. The annual payments from operators to the municipalities amount to over 971,000 Euro in total. Legally mandated is a special levy of 2,000 Euro per Megawatt for installations taken into operation after December 31, 2024.

Revenues could significantly increase

According to the Brandenburg Energy Strategy adopted in August 2022, a total installed capacity of 18 Gigawatts from Photovoltaic installations is planned by 2030. The current state of construction is approximately 6.82 Gigawatts, according to the Economic Ministry's response. To reach the Energy Strategy's 2030 target, an additional 11.18 Gigawatts is required.

According to the Ministry's estimation, municipal revenues in the coming years could significantly increase. Assuming that the ratio of Photovoltaic free-field installations to total Photovoltaic capacity remains constant, Photovoltaic free-field installations would account for an 11.16 Gigawatt share by 2030. Then, annual payments of over 13 million Euro could be due.

Answer to the query

The current 29 planned Photovoltaic installations in Brandenburg communes are part of Potsdam's Economic Ministry's response to a Green faction inquiry. The special levy for installations after 2024, as mandated by law, is 2,000 Euro per Megawatt.

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