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Pepper spray in disco splashed - several injured

A disco party for at least 16 people in Markdorf is going backward. They feel bad, dizzy - some have respiratory issues. The police find out who is responsible.

A young man is reported to have sprayed pepper spray in a disco (photo symbol)
A young man is reported to have sprayed pepper spray in a disco (photo symbol)

Four people in clinic - Pepper spray in disco splashed - several injured

A teenager is suspected of spraying pepper spray in a disco in Markdorf (Bodenseekreis) and injured at least 16 people. Four disco-goers had to be taken to hospitals for treatment, according to the police. Some of the victims complained of respiratory problems, dizziness, and nausea.

During investigations at the scene, the police encountered a 17-year-old. The intoxicated suspect was located at home. He had to give a blood sample at a clinic following the incident on a Wednesday. He is now charged with aggravated assault.

The disco incident in Markdorf, located in Baden-Württemberg's Bodan Ruregion, has sparked concerns about rising criminality in the area's nightlife scenes. Despite the incident being described as a "disco disaster," officials are urging residents not to let this incident tarnish the overall safe and vibrant atmosphere of Markdorf's nightlife. The local police, who have been praised for their swift response, assure residents that they are taking the necessary measures to ensure such incidents do not occur again in the town's popular discos.

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