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People's Vote: Heat protection costs 12.1 Billion Euros

The Initiative People's Vote Tree will submit a vote on a legislative proposal for more greenery and better heat protection. The Senate has expressed its concerns about the costs.

The People's Initiative Baum demands better heat protection in Berlin (image)
The People's Initiative Baum demands better heat protection in Berlin (image)

Berlin - People's Vote: Heat protection costs 12.1 Billion Euros

The implementation of the proposed BaumPlus-Law by the Berlin Initiative Volksentscheid would cost approximately twelve billion Euro. According to the initiative, the investment requirement for climate adaptation and extreme weather prevention in the period from 2025 to 2040 is 750 million Euro per year - a total of 12.1 billion Euro. Senator Christine Richter confirmed these figures.

The Berlin Initiative aims to pass a law through a referendum that will better protect the population from extreme weather events such as heat, drought, and heavy rain. To achieve this, they have formulated measures that aim to make Berlin climate and weather resilient by 2040.

The draft law includes plans to prioritize certain areas, such as those with high thermal stress, poor air quality, and insufficient green spaces. Trees should be maintained and new ones planted to reduce peak temperatures by two to three degrees. Additionally, there should be a tree every 15 meters on every street.

The Senate's cost estimation is a prerequisite for filing a petition for the start of a referendum. Initially, at least 20,000 valid signatures from eligible voters are required. The Interior Administration must review the petition.

The referendum is not yet guaranteed

In a further step, at least seven percent of the eligible voters for the Berlin House of Representatives must sign within four months - approximately 170,000 people. If this threshold is met, a referendum could follow, in which the draft law of the Initiative would be voted on. The initiative plans for the referendum to take place simultaneously with the Berlin House of Representatives election in September 2026.

The Initiative Volksentscheid Baum was founded by the CEO of the Berlin company Ecosia, Gina Schaeffgen, environmental activist Heinrich Strößenreuther, and Maike Voss, the managing director of the Center for Planetary Health Policy, according to their statement, in August 2023.

  1. Despite the significant cost of implementing the BaumPlus-Law in Berlin, amounting to around twelve billion Euro, the People's Vote Initiative remains determined to improve society's resilience against extreme weather events.
  2. The Initiative Volksentscheid Baum's climate adaptation and extreme weather prevention plan involves an annual investment of 750 million Euro from 2025 to 2040, with a focus on heat protection measures based on nature's principles.
  3. The Senate's confirmation of these figures highlights the importance of addressing Germany's climate change challenges and ensuring the well-being of Berlin's population, even in terms of financial considerations.
  4. To make progress, the Initiative relies on both the Berlin Senate's cost estimation and the support of the people, aiming for at least 170,000 valid signatures to trigger a referendum on the Heat Protection Initiative in 2026.
  5. Influential figures like Senator Christine Richter and environmental activists have backed this cause, stressing the imperative of society, finances, and nature working together to mitigate the effects of climate change in the city.
  6. Indeed, the Heat Protection Initiative particularly emphasizes proactive measures such as tree planting and maintenance in high-stress areas, seeking to lower temperatures and promote eco-friendly living in the heart of Berlin.

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